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They are looking for a man

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They are looking for a man?

How often do women think about how to recognize them, the stronger sex? Just had our cavemen ancestors: like you - just grabbed on the skin, not like you - just for the sake of respectability, no tokens will not wait. Now it is another matter - the level of intelligence of modern men, no doubt, increased. There were different ways, approaches a woman, half ... Men are now gone educated, smart, rich, sometimes come even good - in short, those of which we are smart, intelligent and beautiful dream. Others have, of course, not interested!

But the trouble - not so easy sometimes to figure out what they're looking men? happens because: Your friend seems to be courtesy itself, a warning ... Yes, he's just well educated, but you're a fool who imagines that he dreams at night Your tired simulators waist. Or vice versa - the devil walks with her intelligence all around it, but you will feel something - it has on you types. Think about what you do not have enough to finally clouded his invulnerable, seasoned mind.

Normal man is always, either explicitly or silently, assesses a woman. His eyes were like tentacles run through her body. And let it lasts only a moment, his imagination has time to have a certain image, he knows that he likes this woman. If we believe Mr. Freud, a man, consciously or not, primarily responds to the pulses, which are called sexy. Simply put, the primitive animal instincts has not been canceled. It is therefore very interesting to know what it means for men the notion of "sexy."

Clearly, the best answer to this question themselves men. One foreigner:

"Oh, this woman all live, all breathing. All of her being, what she was doing: drinking, eating, laughing, just looking out the window - the world around it glows with joy. I think its very body emits invisible impulses. She was to Everything has a cause, it still is interesting. It is - life itself! "And that's it. It attracts, allures ... And here are irrelevant to either education or religious affiliation or social circle. She - the mistress of his desires. She wants to try as a collection champagne, when every breath promises an unforgettable pleasure. It is not standard in his actions and makes them happy ... immediately comes to mind as to the sex she will treat with the same enthusiasm with which just ate marinated crab, biting his spoonful of jam. "

Roman, director of a fairly large firm, told a harrowing story of his seduction of one particular person. She took him to tempt did not intend to - just every morning with a look of happiness on his face plowed window, singing and dancing, worked in the kitchen household completely naked. My friend watched this mess about a month. Become ill to sleep. In each window, he saw the naked women. In a word, could not resist ... Went to his neighbor or to obtain their legitimate, as it seemed, the satisfaction, or to require that it has stopped bullying and changed their defiance.

And do you think she told him? "Are you unhappy, my dear, you lost your dream?" So much the worse for you. Everything you see has nothing to do with you or to anyone else. God gives people a life that they enjoy every day. What I and I do! " Viktor, a gynecologist, 45 years, believes that this sexy woman is identified in an instant. Such calculated in any crowd. Her eyes! ..

It burns great interest to the man on whom she looked. But do not think, for God's sake, that it is only in sexual interest. It would be too easy. No, a man interested in her as a part of nature, which she adores. She was interested in it all - his thoughts, emotions, occupations, hobbies ... She is ready to listen to the vigilant attention of any rubbish that he carries. Let's just say: if a woman has dinner with a man who she is interesting, the restaurant may even explode - and it does not lead an eyebrow!

Poll - what men are looking for in women?

Sergei, the driver 26 years:

"You know, because he (referring to manhood) - a fool. He bare chest show - he will rise, I have had more women than you have hair on your head. And not one alike!" Actually, I looks like as strict. It is upon you like and do not look, no matter what you will not approach a goat ... And then once are curious - and what she is in bed? Scary wants to bring it to the point that she screamed and bite that from restraint and not a trace left. "

The journalist, with whom we work together, struck me on the spot, saying that it excites the female hard worker. He has, say, a desire when he sees her at work. Wow! "My brother-in-law ..." - Flashed in the first second. Of course, because he himself was an incorrigible workaholic. And then I introduced myself as boils the blood in his veins at the sight of hammering at 300 beats per minute typist or standing by the machine ballerina, who is now half an hour throwing Batman on one side ... Truly each his own.

My friend, the painter and poet, told how, once released in the merry company, it's pretty long remained indifferent to the audience there ladies - until then, until one of them picked up a guitar and started singing. His feeling was growing in exactly the same proportion as the emotional heat of the singer. And when at last she jerked the string so that the two of them burst with the sound of exploding firecrackers, he was finally defeated. Incidentally, he later married her. It was a very sweet girl and has brought stability to his hitherto stormy life. True, it seems, no longer sings ...

Anatoly, a programmer in 1924:

"For me, the concept of sexuality - is a set. But first, I draw attention to the plastic. As a woman moves like sit down, some kind of pose, turning his head ... sometimes sink into the soul of one single piece. I remember a classmate who simply tossed her hair over her shoulder. And this seemingly ordinary movement drove me crazy I was ready to forgive her anything, just to once again see how she throws her hair. And it caused in me an eerie attraction. "

Eugene, PhD, 45 years old: "A purely visual to me the ideal of sexy women - Marilyn Monroe or Sophia Loren. I know I am not original. But I like the languid eyes, full lips, beautiful, and expressed forms of the body. And yet for I have very important that the woman was with humor. You never know what could be a situation! Once you find yourself in a ridiculous position it once. It is important to easily and on time to release tension and humor in it helps a lot. And that in fact may well happen that any desire to be gone. And Forever! "

Edward, a businessman 40 years:

"For me, the most important thing - is when I look at a woman's eyes and understand that it is empty. And here nor age is not important, nor the notorious extra pounds. Most often it is a mature woman can give a great feeling, including sex than young . First, there must be a spiritual contact with a woman only after that I appreciate its visual appeal, and then, if you happen to intimacy, the feelings are particularly acute. "

So, to summarize.

As a result, the survey highlighted the importance of extensive detail: in the hit parade of sexual attractiveness rating leggy blonde with a magnificent breasts and a weary eye is not as high as it seems at first glance. Since it may well argue the other holders of not less than interesting female characteristics.
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