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They say that corruption comes from the man

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They say that corruption comes from the man. As it goes, and that this contributes to?

Spoilage can go in different ways: someone - vomiting, who - intestinal disorders, who - stringy saliva or skin rashes, smelly air, etc. And out of a man living snakes, frogs, snakes, etc.

Do such damage to the witches and sorcerers simply: catching frogs in the spring, but always with caviar, moryat their hunger, dried, is ground into powder. Store this potion in the occluded vessels. Then a pinch of this powder is added to man's food or drink while reading a special spell. Inside the human tadpoles first appear, and then small frogs. That's why many of you have heard from a inside croaking. And when lechish such patients, some of them leave those same frogs or lizards.

• Lizards banish hot whey or dill, if it potoloch with spruce resin, mix well and take on an empty stomach. You can also drink on an empty stomach one tablespoon of purified kerosene.

• Snakes and snakes can cast the following composition: one teaspoon of ground hot pepper, a tablespoon of thyme, two tablespoons of vinegar thoroughly and take on an empty stomach for a week.

Very useful spoiled sick visit holy places of the lake.

There are other damage when lechish man, and he suddenly starts barking like a dog, or moo like a cow, loses mind.

• If a person has lost mind, you need to carefully grind a tablespoon of poppy, henbane teaspoon, pour mixture cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and as a compress to put on his forehead.

It happens that a person suddenly becomes ill with cancer. I already wrote that cancer can bring a person. And if it is induced, the subject treatment. You can bring any disease. Only medication will not cure the disease if it is induced.

Now many people have TB. Its also suggest the man.

You are free to determine whether to make you damage the cancer or a disease. Have a look at myself in the eye, if done, then the pupil has brown spots.
You can check and yet another way: to drip into the eyes of a few drops of consecrated water. If the whites of his eyes redden - you have damage to the cancer.

Epilepsy can also bring on the person. To determine if induced or not, place the patient on his stomach, hold the back of his head to a cross on a string of length 20-25cm. If the cross begins to rotate counter-clockwise, it means that epilepsy is induced.

If at least one parent is damaging, then the child is born with the damage.

The most terrible thing is that the damage is transmitted by blood from parents to children. It is no accident in the West, for example, are prepared in advance to all sorts of trouble. There is normal when a healthy person passes his blood to use it if necessary. This is not just a fear of AIDS, but intuitively people feel another danger. After all, if the donor decay, then it is transferred to another person through the donated blood.

Sign of transmission through blood damage is that after the transfusion of human blood begins to shiver, shake, although all medical parameters match the blood in order. And the damage is already in you starts to their roots. Sometimes it is a corruption of a few generations, until someone from the family not guess what is the cause of trouble, and begins to be treated for contamination.

You've heard the expression "accursed race" is a kind of corruption and called it "kind of a curse." Basically, all the men in the family do not live longer than a certain age, and die or commit suicide, for example, his grandfather - the father - son - the grandson, that is, is the destruction of nature. Most often by hanging or accident. And what happens in people's temptation to do so. Something or someone whispering in his ear: "hang, hanged himself ..." And the man away from God, powerless, besotted evil spirits, makes this fateful step. A wizard or witch, another ruined soul noted in his asset. But we already all know that this demon-hanged man pushes a suicide. And how much they have destroyed.

It often happens that demons reach for more. Already spivshegosya person they are being pushed to suicide. And in this they succeed. And sometimes a man fighting two principles: light and dark. And if time does not turn to God, fasting, is irreversible.

Often thought about what happens to you and your loved ones? Why leave voluntarily close to you people? Think about it. Change your life. Turn to face God. Stop the destruction of nature. After all, for your sins to pay for your children. While you do not repent of their sins, to hope for deliverance from evil is not necessary. The Savior said: "According to your faith be it unto you!"

St John Vostrskoy once asked demons that tormented the young woman, why are they afraid of Christians? Possessed replied: "You have three great things of which we fear: one you carry in his neck (Holy Cross), the other you have washed (baptized), the third partakes in the church (Holy Communion)." "Of these three, which is worse for you?" - Said the Reverend John. They replied: "If you Christians are well able to keep something that partakes, then none of us would dare to approach you."

I spoiled person in most cases, lack of energy. He wants to lay all the time. This case is impure because it is easier to suck the energy from the underlying rights.

Often in families where the constant scandals about trifles, spoiled both - husband and wife. Unclean here especially succeed, because each row for them - it's make-up energy. When a person is angry, his protective shell is opened and from it comes a lot of energy that need to be unclean.

Remember how, after some arguments, for example, in transport, you go home exhausted. Sometimes, a week go sick.

In these cases do not get mad, do not take part in the scandal, just read about myself, "Our Father", and then the next plot: "The wizard, sorcerer, cut his body and drink his blood. And before my blood until my body is not your business. Amen.

This plot can be read and if you feel an inexplicable discomfort.
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