Ticklish women's issues
A very unpleasant time in communicating with the woman - her ability to ask questions that physically impossible to answer. I mean, honest, intelligent, informative answer. And yet such that it satisfied. The latter, of course, the most important. We, on nerazumeniyu and his naivete, try to answer it honestly, intelligently and informatively. Mistakenly believing that this is what she expects from us. No way! Think and respond well - pure nonsense. Why? Yes, because she spit on that your information. And even if you do not spit, it is absolutely not the one which you think. Difficult? Now explain to the fingers.
When she asks you, such as: "Do you love children?" - Her little interested in what you have for the children really are. Because in fact her question is: "Do you want me baby?". Therefore, if you just burknete: "I love" - it will not completely satisfied, though, and put maybe you plus in my notebook. If you answered: "No, I do not like, but drags the process" - again, get your finger into the sky, but with a minus sign. That is, you find yourself in the position of the examinee. She does not ask your opinion. She's waiting on you the correct answer to a question on the ticket. You will not be on the exam to express their views on the Pythagorean theorem.
Or talk at length about how much will be two and two, how many will benefit from it and why you sometimes annoying. There is only one correct answer. Everything Else - unsatisfactory. In the same way with some women's issues. This is a science, or rather, even the art - to guess what she wants to hear in answer to your question. Here all the laws of communication cease to operate. Experience, intuition, savvy, even a talent - that's what you need to correctly answer at least fifty percent of all its issues. It is no exaggeration.
All ticklish women's issues can be divided into several categories. So ...
The first category - the issues related to her appearance. Here, thank God, most of us rarely makes mistakes. Even the snotty teenager at an intuitive level, understand that if a girl asks: "Is not very thick in my butt?" - Answer: "No, not really - it means to sign a verdict. Still, the instinct of self-preservation - strong stuff, so that by mobilizing all its ingenuity, nine out of ten men begin immediately weigh compliments her figure. That if the matter does not concern women. With them a bit more complicated: as a result of a long life together, this same instinct seems dull.
And the answer: "Not much is fat? But you'll soon be at the door only to squeeze sideways! "- Is more than likely. And the language says it himself, without any volitional effort on the part of the brain. Affects fatigue accumulated over the years, the sapper, forced every day for years, were strolling through a minefield. As a result, the soul is born complex feeling, which can be briefly described as: "Yes, damn it all!" Or "How did you got me ...." And the tongue gets carte blanche, while the brain is quietly digesting the latest news from abroad.
What does help? Yes, nothing. Life Saving - the handiwork of drowning. If there is no will for peace, as if to say? But, I repeat, the vast majority of men versed in the matter of more or less correct. That is, we understand that an honest answer to the questions in this category are not interested in anyone but yourself. They only want to hear priyatnyeveschi. How would she try, no matter how inspired he wanted to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you have no right to tell her the truth. The only way out - a lie. But this white lie.
The second category - the issues related to her girlfriends. It is more difficult. No, of course, you have to be gifted to declare his partner or wife: "Honey, your friend's wonderful legs, much better than you." This word suicide. The latter. Of course, we avoid these traps easily. But women, too, not yesterday were born! They pose the question so tricky that even the most inveterate toadies masculine goofs. To avoid this, we must remember that for any woman when it comes to men, her best friend is an enemy number one. Generally, the rumors about female friendship are greatly exaggerated. That's me to the fact that I personally have never failed to observe this phenomenon, though they say (not all but many) that it occurs in nature. So, no matter how praising their favorite girlfriends, no matter what she was singing the praises of him or, God forbid, you agree with her.
Can accept only if we are talking about inner beauty. Good - not good, decent - dishonesty, honest - dishonest. But also agree to be careful - do not overdo the praise. If you're too actively disagree with the fact that her friend - a man with crystal soul, she may suspect that you think at this point about the legs or the pope of this most delicious friend. As it can to guess? Have you seen your face when you think about female beauty? That's just it ... Everything is in black and white. In general, if you talk about the soul, just be careful. If suddenly we were talking about looks, mobilize the maximum. Cancan dancing in a minefield is ten times safer than talking to a woman on the exterior of her friends.
The best solution - even away from these conversations. Dismiss dry: "You have good friends, but as women I do not take them - they are totally not my type." And let it at least on my head stands, proving to you that they are all hand-written and beautiful that you have absolutely no taste (some reaching up to these claims, wanting to catch you in a criminal interest to the legs of a friend). Let the offense, sulking and hisses. Do not give in to provocations. In fact, she wants to hear the answer to the question: "Who is better - me or my girlfriend?". Need to say the correct answer or guess yourself?
The third category is tricky questions - questions about the relationship. Not corny: "You love me?" But something more complex, with overtones, such as, for example, the question of love for children. In general, almost all the issues one way or another regarding your person, can be attributed to this category. Man is not too much interested in the woman alone, in isolation from such a thing as a family. Why women do not care about your hobby, but it may very meticulously ask you about your career plans? That marketing planning is more interesting than hang gliding? Hardly. Just on your success in marketing planning directly related to family well-being - real or perceived.
It is the same for children. Not interested in your likes her, but what are you prepared it with her this very unit of society to organize. Or as easy to walk out ... no answering these questions, you should keep in mind that its an unhealthy interest dictated not curiously blank or blind adoration. Go sober priglyadka and pritsenka. Depending on your answers will ultimately decide - is worth more to you, or you can write off valashkatsya in circulation. Of course, on the basis of only your responses to the door you have specified, but the dirt in his head aside to emerge at the most inconvenient (for you) moment.
As can be seen when a woman asks a few abstract nature, its interest to herself and your relationship, but not your true opinion. That is your opinion, which should be one hundred percent match with her beliefs and world views. Everything else - is wrong. Wrong answer would entail the ten new questions, and so on to infinity, more precisely - to the scandal.