Tied husband
Many women ask how to get a man to marry. It does not matter - whether they live in so-called civil marriage or just meet. The question is - why make? Not to convince, not beg, in the end, and forcing or even raped. After all, if you make a person live with you, is he going to do it with pleasure? Maybe you are good with him in bed, but how did you get that family life with her domestic burdens, he will be just as good? Maybe you suffer self-doubt, inability to meet and maintain relationships with men and even many different systems - from social to sexual. And think: if this - the only - go, then anyone else and is not expected. And instead of going through life quietly, strive by all means to bind to those around you today - even if it tied the husband of his obviously worthless ...
And in fact, any woman can attract a man (not one), if it is convinced that it is able to do it. It is much easier than the power to keep themselves near the stronger half of humanity. Maybe a lady (especially if she is under thirty) is needed, as they say, run off to marry, to register a month or two to get a divorce, and thus get rid of the status of "old maid", then come down and the one who hand. So, we need to click on it, because the persuasions too have no time ... But if, despite everything, you want a good long time to marry only a man of your choice - your right! Then, the surest way to bring it to the registrar - not shove, I'm sorry, right through, and understand why the favorite in no hurry to marry you (though certainly talked about love). If you will clear his problems - it will be understood and how to bring it to a marriage.
Maybe it is convenient to just use you as a woman - in all respects, from sex and ending with the washing socks. To do this, of course, easier to live together, but not necessarily registered. Since in this case he probably thinks that after a while you get bored him and he will seek another. Alas, to persuade such a marriage is difficult. Do you swear not to tie his sexual freedom. And be able to convince him that your concern about him is not comparable with any other women's care (and compare it to, no doubt). But you are satisfied with this, I may say, family life? In this case, no obligations with respect to you, this is bound husband will not take, but rather the obligation will have: you will be required to cook, tidy up the house and occasionally to please his sex (and when he wants and not you). And even if you're going to say quite frankly: "Yes, I agree on everything, just to be with him, keep in mind that once you start this kind of life you will probably want to hang myself.
Tied husband
Who are you to him?
Maybe you can for him - only a prestigious girlfriend? Too many young leggy girls were now to suffer: "It would be better, I was short-legged, short and fat!" Then at least I'd be sure he's attached it to me, not my looks! " Alas, men often give birth to cute trendy girlfriends, and when the fashion for them is separate. Making such a man can not marry, though, because you generally will not be entitled to make do anything. As soon as he sees the first signs of pressure - threw his toy over the threshold. Go beyond such a marriage - entertainment for special mazohistok. Of course, if you are proud that such a "tough" attracted just your appearance, you can maintain a relationship with him, but to predict the consequences of not tackle.

Maybe the man just does not want to share with the wife of his property. Especially when he held the main tangible assets: the apartment, car, money. If you are satisfied with such a husband, make a marriage contract of this kind: that you are not applying on his property in any way, and if anything - will leave only in slippers and bathrobe. Looks like you're really a woman with no complaints and queries. So you have a chance to succeed in such a curmudgeon. Maybe he sees you only as a mom who cares about him. By the way, as you have a sexual relationship? Very possibly, he slept with you through force - because he sees in you mama. And it does not get married.
First, he can not marry his mother. And secondly, it is clearly not satisfied with such a quality intima during all subsequent years. This can marry only when the sex for him - not the point. And if you're at it can prove to him that are willing to ignore the other men. First, however, be prepared for a few years of unregistered common life: a man, as a rule, all checks thoroughly, including his wife. And when it is satisfied that part of the sex you claim he does not show, and support from you can always wait (including in solving its problems with other women), - he will marry you. But only if you want this time to marry him?
A man may just have to be mentally not ready for a family. Suppose, actual age, he has grown, but psychologically immature and afraid to take on this responsibility. After giving the reins of the family women have been taken. A very scary to become head of the family ... If at such a pressure, it will run away very quickly. You can certainly wait until he "grows up". Who needs an immature husband? Modern woman, a busy job? No, because he's actually a helpless child. Weak woman with a desire to just be "the husband"? No, because for such a husband can not hide, he would hide behind your back. Another thing, if you enjoy psychological immaturity - that there is someone in the family of command.
And sometimes vice versa: a man, just grown up and wise, gradually begins to notice that his straining your relationship, and he tells it to you openly. Oddly, in this case most likely to marry. If your friend says that. he wanted to fix in your relationship or your character (and speaks with arguments rather than unsubstantiated blame you), stand on hind legs (they say, love me as I have), go to the offer of cooperation, if you care about this particular person. After all, if you are able to adjust their habits to each other, your relationship will end the official registration of the family!