Time Management
I really like that in English there is even a special phrase that means time management , - manage the time. For us, aspiring to higher goals, time management is a crucial moment. If you learn this skill, you will be practically no weaknesses. For the time, or rather its absence - the Achilles' heel for most of us. Even you do not want to think how many precious hours wasted in long conversations over the phone, in traffic jams, waiting for their turn at any reception. And at home?
Ask a friend, whether it goes to the fitness classes or English classes, and she said something like: "What are you! Absolutely no time! "At this house she could sit quietly two hours before the television, absorbing the" negative information news and destroying intelligence endless beer commercials. Is not it? Nor do I urge you to be workaholics and work to the detriment of proper rest. Rest must be just right, reasonable, bringing himself maximum benefit. Let's think together how to use the most precious thing we have - time - in order to achieve our lofty goals was quite real.
Think about what you can donate
Yes, my precious, something that necessarily have to sacrifice for the sake of higher goals and achieve success. However, if you believe that success - an essential element for life, then you'll be uneasy. So, you like to sit with friends at a nightclub and discuss the latest burning news, namely: "Who walks with someone who is divorced, and anyone who changes?" As you probably know, this would have to sacrifice, because the person targeted for success, simply would not allow himself so wasting time. This is permissible only in adolescence, even though George Washington was already sixteen years was a clear plan for its successful and rich life and consistently follow it. If you're very difficult to immediately change their habits, try to at least initially to reduce an unreasonable expenditure of time and then it's a habit. And try to clearly distinguish between: it is useful for my case, it is helpful to my health, but it's good for my soul and my happiness. If the way of spending time do not fit into those boundaries, then you need to change it.

Respect your own and other people's time
You've probably noticed that there are people who are constantly late. And each time they found the mass of excuses. They always something interferes with them is always something happening. If such a person travels by car - there are traffic jams, when the subway - stop the train. Chronically late person sends a signal to the world around us: I absolutely do not care what you have your own plans, I come when I conveniently. I am familiar with a few pleasant in all respects people for whom the delay in forty minutes - a standard of behavior.
I also want to note that respect themselves and other people are always very accurate, punctual and come to meetings on time, even in large cities, where automobile traffic has become a byword. How do they do it? Time management, plus the discipline. It is not necessary to make an impression forever late, it's not helping career. If you have just such a problem, ask your home in secret from you to translate all the clocks at twenty minutes ago, then you will always have time to spare.
Make a list of urgent matters
Sometimes, especially when he returns home after the holidays, it appears that you are in the middle of a typhoon, the most urgent cases. And from all sides you hurry and hurry. In order to survive in the midst of this storm and not become a victim of a nervous breakdown, you need planning. Write down all of their affairs, starting with the very, very important, perhaps, bad for you. And with his start. Define the following two most important things, and then you will become much easier to sort things by importance and urgency. Let's say you have to take your child to the dentist and buy her husband a birthday gift, which will be tomorrow. To refrain from the temptation to go to the store, the best Take the child to the clinic. And then, tired, but happy go together to buy dad a gift.
And another tip: Plan your work so that the most difficult and unpleasant things, those who do not want to do, accomplish in the first place. Just do not want to, then should be done immediately! Be difficult conversation - spend it in the morning, do not leave the final word. You will see how much easier life following this simple rules. It works great, and it is used by many very, very successful people.
Take time to relax
You are familiar with such passionate people who do not notice anything around and just work, work and work? I know, and know what's interesting? They are not so far succeed. Do not appreciated the intensity of labor, and performance! The result is greatly improved if people really know how to relax. Body and soul. Personally, I admire those who are among the hard work of finding time for regular rest and knows how to enjoy life. Recall the classic Dale Carnegie, who wrote that the rest have yet before was very tired while on vacation will need less time. Exactly! A successful person knows very well and quality rest. Let us, and we have possession of this art. First of all, changing environment and spend as much time outdoors. Physiologists say that the nervous system is useful to relax to a state when no longer can the mind requires work. And you're still a little tense and ... rest. It's funny, but extremely useful!
Be able to concentrate on the main
From time to time, verifies whether the course going. What does this mean? During the negotiations, meetings, conversations and so on sometimes ask yourself: "How will this meeting or this conversation helps me to reach my home, a cherished goal?" If you feel that you are distracted, then gently straighten the course. I have known businessmen who are so sucked into the eternal process of negotiations, which sometimes do not realize, and what actually is meant. It seems that the appearance of things is - they are in negotiations "- but, in fact, is just pouring out of a sieve. Sense from these negotiations will not. At the same time motivated the leaders do not allow for a moment distracted from the main objective, from the main point. If the topic is exhausted, then the negotiation process is completed. Everything is very clear. You and only you know your course. Do not let him out of sight!
Learn to say "no" to what you do not need
As you move the ladder of success you will discover that becomes interesting for many people. Everybody wants to communicate with you, make friends, offer their services, are invited to a lot of events. There is nothing wrong with a great confirmation of the fact that you have somewhat succeeded. But ... your time is very, very precious, yet you have not yet achieved its main objective, which is written in your beautiful notebook (I hope?). Therefore we must learn how to politely but firmly refuse the proposals that you do not need. Time, like everything else in our lives, relatively. If we panic and most mindlessly repeat the "no time, no time", it in fact will not be. Learn to gently float in a life together with the time - the prerogative of the wise and strong, and yet we are just such, is not it? As soon as a panic thinking that something is not time, immediately say to yourself:
☼ I'm doing very well. I'm a good girl. I still have time just fine.
And you will feel easy, that we need, because we all reach easily. Easily. Remember that magic word? Do not forget it. Turn the time his friend, and it will not let you!