Time heals wounds
When a loving relationship is irreversible, when you are broken and no turning back, when it seems that in this world you have nothing to hold - the only consolation that you can hear at this moment: Time will heal the wound, be patient. This phrase seems meaningless to you, there shall be no, since before time and nothing to do with, but ... fortunately it is not.
Someone needs more time, someone smaller, but still emotional wound gradually ceases to be sick and just whines from time to time, and some never makes itself felt. Sometimes we do wonder why it is so tormented, and that this man was special? And how embarrassing then remember that we were even going to commit suicide ....
Of course, it all depends on how strong the feelings were and how long the relationship. If we are talking about young people who met a year - is another story and quite another if separated people who have lived in wedlock 10 years or more, which bind the children, relatives, etc.
The expression "time heals" I personally do not consider the assertion that in time all will be forgotten, as well as the assertion that the time gives us the opportunity to adequately assess the situation and set priorities. A day after breaking a lot of young people almost want to hand themselves impose. A month later, they start very much yearn, six months later - still hoping to resume the relationship, and a year later, just a yearning in the heart of the recall of the failed romance. To take their lives already, thank God, no one is going.
If we talk about spouses who were divorced, then the first six months of abandoned spouse did not even think about the new relationship, it seems that the longer nothing ever will. But after a year, for example, a person begins to realize that the sun still shines, birds sing, the grass is green - in short, life goes on!
Each case is different of course. Hobbies are forgotten quickly, true love will never forget. If a person truly loves, then over time it just is not so acutely experiencing the pain of separation, simply put, he learns to live with the idea that a loved one near there.
Of great importance is how people have left. If it was a mutual feeling, or cool one another out of love, here, as it were all clear. But very often, people break up because of some beyond their circumstances. However, some can not even each other really explain what happened. Remains some innuendo, and the person does not perceive the separation as a break, he continues to hope and wait ...
In this case, a person just need to dot the "J". He needs a last conversation, the last meeting. Until that happens, he will be tormented, hope, wait - no matter how much time had passed.
If we consider the time as "doctor" of our souls, then one hundred percent recovery is possible only if it was short-lived fascination with the case, such as unrequited love. Oddly, but love, which found no reciprocity forgotten most quickly, however, if the relationship with the object of adoration was not.
Just in case people after a while begins to realize that there is no chance, and tries for something or someone to switch. Sufficiently distracted and after a while erstwhile love will cause only a nostalgic smile.
I think I agree with this statement: "everything changes, nothing disappears, and it really is. If this is love, then over time we realize that is not experiencing love. If this is love, then eventually we get used to the fact that this love has remained unanswered, we learn to live with it.
In fact, everything depends on us, we can remember, but continue to live a full life, we can draw conclusions from past mistakes, and we can only live the past. "The years teach what the days do not know, do not forget about it!