Tips and tricks in dealing with children
-Immediately give me a hand! Do not you see - there is a dog!
It is not necessary to scare the child angry dog, that he may go with you hand when needed. You can play on the desire of the child to be an adult and strong. So, the little tricks in dealing with children :
-Give me your hand, but then I have slippery soles, and I can fall.
99iz 100, that the child be happy to give you a hand.
-You're such a fine fellow! That's thanks! What would I do without you?
And next time more and he will offer to help you. Well, if it's winter and slippery. And in the summer?
-Help me, please bear bag - it's hard.
It does not matter whether you have in hand a heavy bag or a bag of tiny weightless. The child will still agree to help you and give you a hand. He wants to be fit. And you give him an opportunity. Children generally love to help. Parents bring some "necessary" things, to set the table, something to hold, to file - gives the child pleasure. And parents can use it in every way to want to help to meet their requirements. Of course, that the request to do something should not be uttered in a tone clerks. Otherwise you will get is not what wanted.
You walk, and you go home. As more and more likely to happen?
-Come on. We must go home.
"I do not want to. Let's all go for a walk.
-No. Everything. We have already a long walk.
-Please, five more minutes ...
If you agree, then five minutes later everything again. And so on to infinity. Variants are possible, parents say:
-I go, stay ...
-Come on, buy ice cream (car, doll), we'll see a tractor or a horse ...
-I forgot my soup cooked on the stove. Come soon ...
And so on and so forth. Which only tricks we are not going to force the child to quit the game and listen to us.
The kid is playing for time and your patience, sooner or later come to an end, and as a result of you, roaring back from a walk. Try to swap places with the child.
"Please take me home and then enjoy yourself as you want.
The child looks at you questioningly.
-Take me. Do you know where our house? And then something I do not understand in what direction to go.
Most likely, that the child agrees to do you a favor. On the way, always praise him and emphasize what he is grown up and independent. And then better change the subject, and tell him something fun and interesting. Otherwise, near the home of his fall that he did not want to go home and just wanted to hold you back, and the conflict could flare up with renewed vigor. Kids love to try on the role of an adult. Knowing this, we adults have the opportunity to avoid many unpleasant situations. Allow your child to be the primary - showing the way to a garden or home, how to build a house or folding clothes, how to hold a fork or play soccer, use these little tricks in dealing with children and assure your kinder will be happy to do something from which all minute before going to stomp their feet and raise a stink.
Very often, children are disobedient and did not want to perform any of our requests and requirements. And however much we may say - all as a wall peas! But there is another way! You've probably noticed that the child likes to listen to what parents are talking. He can not understand half of what was going on, but will listen very carefully! Anya's daughter is sick, but do not want to take your medicine. Anechkina mom used all the persuasion and cunning, but the result is not reached. Talking with a friend on the phone, my mother let slip that she wanted to go with Anna in the theater and bought tickets for a long time. But my daughter does not listen and does not take medication. Now I have to give away tickets Vare from next door ...
Anya seemed replaced. She became tractable and quickly recovered. Please note that my mother said about the tickets not his daughter, but only made it possible for Ana to hear the conversation. Child made their own conclusions and made a decision.