21 Tips for a better life
All people want yourself to be happy, loved, rich, and certainly healthier. Three ordinary women from the USA, Russia and Canada are our contemporaries seem to possess the secrets of a happy and harmonious life. Methodologies developed by them, have themselves tested for millions of people on Earth, and the results were simply amazing. From testing, it appeared that turn his life back on track can absolutely every woman, and almost minutely! Well, what is tested?
Lise Bourbeau and her seven rules of harmonious living:
1. We are 100% responsible specifically for their lives and not for someone more.
2. At any moment you have the opportunity to change their lives, and this is just a start to think positively.
3. The subconscious mind has no concept of positive or negative sense, which carry the words, it has only just understood images. Because when you have an idea of what you do not want in your mind there is only this way, but without the "no". Therefore, be circumspect, and not worth materializing its horrors!
4. Your intuition, higher self or subconscious mind - your best friend. Entering them into close contact, you will never not feel lonely. Now you can just not think about their pressing issues, because now your inner God will do it for you.
5. As long as you do not learn to love yourself, you just can not love others.
6. Bad people do not exist, only those who suffer, and therefore accept them as what they really are. Farewell to those you hate and whom you condemn.
7. Each disease is a signal that gives you the subconscious that is in your thoughts or behavior is the confrontation with the great universal law of love (a complete list of diseases and their causes, you can find in books Lise Bourbeau).
Shakti Gawain, and seven of its rules of harmonious living:
1. Giving something to the universe, is regaining the image reflections. "What you sow, then reap." In practice, this statement means that we have the ability, to attract what thinks or what the holy faith, which is in the depths of their souls are waiting, and maybe even what a live performance. This applies both to everything good and everything bad.
2. To have the desired, you must imagine that you are exactly that, what would you like to be. What are you happy that you love that you long married, you're completely healthy and that you already possess wealth. Cheating in this here no there: the shape is constantly accompanied by thought.
3. Your health is directly dependent on how they rated your mind. People are sick in the case when the heart is the belief that illness is an inevitable reaction to certain situations (for instance, got wet feet and the result - a cold). Change your thoughts and then change the state of your health.
4.Chtoby something in life to own, do not take it at another, and build yourself and with generosity to share with others.
5. For you, it took many years to form their own world, where you are now, that is, something to really change it, you also need some time. Be patient.
There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
6. In any free time engaged in the practice of creative visualization (visualize yourself in great detail what you want to get). Wants not only to themselves but to other people for something good and ended the session setting: "What I possess now, improving not only my own life but the lives of those around me."
7. Try more likely to say out loud and imagine only positive statement: "I and only I am the mistress of his life," "I have what I need," "I am happy and healthy," "Inside my light creates a miracle in my life." Try to do so until such time as these points will not be your particle, as you implicitly in them uveruesh.
El Tat and seven of its rules of harmonious living:
1. Everything bad we are given a reason. We should not reject the dark, because so may be that you just need to shed some light in it its soul.
2. Everything in this world is subordinate to the law of cause and effect. Karma - it's our main problem is the current incarnation and eternal reason, that happens to us. For one, karma is the only way to acquire knowledge, how to make money and become a master of his own life for another - on the contrary, learn to give their money and offer their assistance for the third - to become fully independent from the physical benefits. So according to the law of karma we are born rich or poor, sick or healthy. The laws of karma harsh, but not fatal: to have health and happiness, we must as soon as positive attitude towards this world and be at least activity (passivity - a sure path to disintegration of the personality).
3. If you do not try to light, then darkness will swallow us is inevitable. If you do not believe in the good and the supreme power, the evil we will inevitably be absorbed. World of light is unobtrusive and clean, it respectful to our freedom, the forces of darkness on the contrary - intrusive and aggressive. Always remember that!
4. To be serene happy to be free from the chains of his immense desire, because when you realize how really little you have, then tearing your passion cease.
5. Mechanisms of occurrences in our body disease known since ancient times. Health - this is our positive mood, relaxation and performance of the main objectives of karma: keep yourself humility, forgiveness and acceptance. The disease usually - always resentment, aggression, evil, stress and lack of faith.
6. Nothing nobody no one should. In life, we are doing everything just for themselves.
7. Everything has a proportionality: that from the top, and, of course, at the bottom. That a small, even in large. If we are untidy at home, the untidiness of affairs, and in my thoughts. Old age corresponds to what was our youth. Hour of our death is full compliance with our lives. Quiet and light go off in the life of a harmonious and humble people.