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Tips lonely men

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Tips lonely men

Each man laid instinct hunter, who in our modern life extends to the search partner. In a society valued a man who can easily get acquainted with women, it is easy to achieve their interests and can easily come to the end. To recall the legend of Don Juan. Agree that the myth of the perfect man to excite the minds of not only women but also men. Everybody wants to know: how is it he gets? No wonder that to such aces in the men's team are treated with respect. They do not always love, sometimes hate, but in the soul of envy. This man simply must be an extraordinary personality, or have a very beautiful appearance, or set of men's most valuable qualities, as well as the representation of female psychology and a lot of practice. Maybe he does not have a beautiful appearance, possibly in his cynical character, but he perfectly knows how to manipulate sexual interest in women. So when the man casually talks about his lungs and numerous victories over the beautiful women do not always follow them to believe. They are likely to tell a male company, as it were competing with more successful men, and hinting that I, too, with this case a full order.

Women are peculiar to the hidden mechanism, requiring that it conquered and achieved the most worthy males. Therefore, it is women who need an active, energetic, and not infantile, effeminate men. With age men decreased sexual activity and the natural desire to have a permanent partner. Therefore, men should be able to choose, and if the same man is often tolerated or failure in the life of the men were parting, they have neglected for the sake of another, his "trampled in the dirt and threw out life as a puppy out the door, of course his erotic dating may come to naught . As practice shows, not only the possession of a woman, but even to know it for most men is a daunting task, because except for this appeal, and the courage they need knowledge of female psychology.

Features of women's psychology

Woman is experiencing tremendous emotional burden when choosing a partner. Imagine how painful choice of the correct version of the woman - the only partner of many candidates. Her doubts, fears, mistakes - all of it interferes with a choice. Help make women's choices will help physique men, so development of the male body makes her a much greater admiration than the men themselves. Men were more likely than not be able to feel what I feel at the moment a woman. If he can not understand the mind, you will never feel the heart. Man for a woman will always be rude and insensitive creatures, so female psyche is less resistant to stressful situations. It follows that for a woman, especially a child, a man should be tolerant and to forgive her those emotions, which throws him into a very simple understanding of male cases.
Maternal instinct affect her sexuality, because it redistributes the erotic energy, hence - the frequency and severity of the perception of the peak of sexual pleasure she is usually lower than that of men. In addition, because of the strong maternal instinct, it can bind to a man whose conduct in the home with the behavior of the minor child, helpless, direct, moody and selfish. Women's unconscious attraction to masculine almost always comes to inconsistency with the requirement of her mind to the material possibilities of man, which means that when courting her a few men she is in a state of shock, like a deep neurosis, as her feelings of conflict with reason, and this further enhances her emotional instability. Men, do not be stingy during courtship!

Naturally, the increased responsibility of women for posterity, the weakness and vulnerability of the female body, the smaller the potential of the brain, shame and emotional, conflicting desires in contact with men make her psyche is very fragile. This mentality of the law of compensation requires the mandatory presence next to her strong, strong-willed, very confident, gallant men, in whom it was possible to shift the responsibility for the upbringing of children permanently jettison endless doubts and who could protect her. Be such a man, and where you are, where you will be successful!

From this it follows advice single men when courting a woman.

1. Do not believe the coldness of her gaze and not be afraid of seeming invulnerability and fed complacency. In most cases this is included in the habit of defensive reaction insecure person with very vulnerable psyche. Do not be afraid haughty beauties, they are few who dare to caress, more often - rushing attack, so they are attracted to courting males. If you see that woman a few notorious, boldly go to the rendezvous, because of its complex - and your allies. Any woman in a shower of infinitely lonely, dreams of spiritual and physical intimacy with a man who suffers from a lack of attention and dreams of a bold energetic man. And many other causes can contribute to your daring attempts. Prove to her that she was for you the most attractive of women, which is exceptional, sexual and spiritual value, and it opens to contact you. But still remember that women need some time to her feelings have matured and become visible to your form. You do not have a "rape" and lie to her, the woman will feel it. In every woman can find attractive traits or attractive parts of the body, or the rare beauty of the individual. As often as possible to talk to her about it. Not having a woman a couple of compliments, do not even approach it, do not be afraid to repeat, they are it will not be a burden. The more you tell the woman about her, the better.

2. The biggest mistake men during courtship of the woman - self-restraint in the manifestation of his feelings for her. Woman lives with emotions, and they needed her as a drug addict drugs. Without them, your murderous naked logic is not worth a lot, but a selfish desire, beautifully decorated feelings and emotions do not seem such a woman and may even flatter her. Tell her about your feelings, and roughly empathize with her, let the sound off and doubt, but at the end of the conversation his conviction must dispel all doubts about her.

3. Be considerate and courteous, because women are very vulnerable. When Napoleon Bonaparte was tactless to ask beautiful women: "You still love men?", She sarcastically replied: "Yes, but only if they are well educated." You is your lack of manners alone will not benefit, because you do not even Bonaparte.

4. Alone with a woman, be active and bold, help her to remain modest, and to avoid being tormented conscience, take all the blame for her fall over. Term goal of communication between men and women is her subconscious desire to get yourself a good husband. Man, by contrast, tends to remain unconsciously free from family responsibilities, to retain the right to have sex with other women. As their long-term goals are different, they essentially are not allies, and opponents, so I continue to allow the use of military terminology.
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