To carry water offended
Be sociable with people, not vindictive. Do not rush to take offense at something, do not dwell on offense, because you might unwittingly offend, but the date could spoil everything. Do not let the resentment accumulated and grew like a snowball. Find out everything as soon as you wanted to be offended, because the further insult to bear, the harder to cope with it afterwards. Resentful do not like: hard to communicate with them, they try to impress anyone who wronged guilt, trying at every opportunity to remind anyone who wronged his "prick." Think about the problem because you can never solve, but the relationship did not change for the better.
Sometimes, a person offends you because of ignorance, that is you can disappoint and offend. In this case, a person sincerely regrets when he finds out the cause of your injury. Sometimes, a person hurts someone in a hurry or excitement, of negligence. This is also unconscious resentment, and hence they should not get offended, remember them, do the other party comments, or pass for a bore. Certainly stranger nobody will hurt intentionally, just that your vote is a special sense of humor, very specific, you just do not understand. It is possible that you are for something or just did not like the man, and he is not holding back feelings and expressed, thereby provoking you to anger or resentment. Do not get me wrong, much less succumb to provocations.

Let people understand that he had acted badly, your reproachful gaze, a calm remark. But do not cry, or, conversely, do not take kind of defeats, the enslaved. Prove to him afterwards that he was wrong. This is the right decision - to demonstrate their confidence, their innocence to the fact that you expressed about this man and his strength of mind, because it hurt - it is human weakness, stemming from ignorance and inability to stand up for themselves, defend their position. Do not hold a grievance, it interferes with the harmonious fellowship in the future, may have undesirable consequences (internal or external), and the girl in the grievance presents a very disadvantageous.
Surely say: " At the offended carry water "- they are doing poorly but themselves. Consequently, we must better relate to the above, do not accentuate the negative and not seek, and to clarify the situation calmly, put, if necessary, on the ground. Stay with dignity, not with bowed head, do not humiliate another and themselves. Of course, you will be sorry if you took a great solution if your mode of dress, her hair or apply makeup condemned in the presence of strangers. In order to establish friendly relations need to create a trust communication, when you say everything that you thought offensive. In turn, be prepared to listen buddy, if something did not like him. Arrange in advance, and you will always be strong friendly relations, if that goes wrong. And in general - do not be oversensitive to others' words, do not carry a heavy burden of resentment, more optimism around.