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To live according to plan

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To live according to plan

Man is what he repeatedly chooses to do. If you choose to do what you like and do it as much as you want - you're a lucky man, but you probably live in the past. Why?"Like" - is one that fits those needs, which we have already formed. "I want" - a requirement that comes from already existing needs: "Give! Want! "This is not bad, it happens and nice and happy, but it is always our past.

Teenager likes to run, the retiree wants to lie down. This is not entirely his choice - it is a natural requirement of the body and the body does not think about our future."Like" and "wants" - a wonderful decoration a decent living, but not its fundamental basis. Basis of life, a visionary - a worthy plan. The plan - a shot in the future. Plan your day - it's your future today. Plan for the month and the quarter - the future of efficient organization. Your plan for the year and to life - it's your future. People living the future, a little bit. Much do you meet people who are seriously planning my life, in the evening building a picture of the coming of the day, morning, set themselves the problem, make a plan of the day and the plan implemented?

From the diary of Franklin
July 1726 of 20 year old man sitting in the cabin of a slow boat, sailing to America, wrote in his travel diary: "Before, I never was a plan of his life, but because it represented a diverse mixture of various scenes. Now I enter into a new life. So yes I will be allowed to make some decisions, and outline a scheme of action to continue to live as befits a rational being.

During a certain time I need to be extremely frugal, until I'll pay for everything it has gained. Try to speak the truth at any time, do not deprive anyone of hope that he will receive an answer, to strive for sincerity in every word and deed - the most attractive advantage of a rational being. Exercise diligence in any case, for whatever may come from, and not let yourself be carried away silly projects sudden enrichment, for hard work and patience are the most important means to prosperity.

I resolve not to talk bad about anyone, even if it was really on the contrary, to try to justify to other people's weaknesses and opportunities at every opportunity to talk about every good things that I know about him. "

This was written by Benjamin Franklin himself. It was his vision of the good life and his plan. And what is your plan?

Boring life does not make plans, and plans are small and weak

Dennis is studying in a prestigious private colleges in the UK. Schedule of the day is very hard: the rise at 7.00, running on a prayer, all day long lessons, interspersed with sports, evening training sessions and home retreat. Discipline. My question is: "Dennis, what you want to be? How do you imagine your future? "Then the unbelievable happened. Dennis took a piece of paper and began to draw a plan schedule their lives for the next twenty years. In the schedule put all: admission to Eton, the problem of study over the years, changing children's entertainment on a more adult hobby, enrolling at Harvard, then the goals for each year, changing motivations, after 20 and 27 years, the dynamics of career and personal life ...

Answer me, he politely asked whether he fully answered my question and I need some some additional clarifications. I thanked him, I had had enough. Denis eleven years. Would not it be boring to David: he knows everything? Never. Denis about his life do not know - he is planning his life, and this creative cause is not easy and not boring. Boring life does not make plans, and plans are small and weak. Normal life is framed by a sluggish plan, quiet and sometimes boring. Plan that raises man to a strong life, threw a challenge, generates interest and energy.

Would not it be Dennis plan fetter? I am sure it is not. Plan - a flexible rod, a hint, it's a landmark, and creative people always adjust the plan when life changes. Living under the plan if the plan is really yours - with dignity. If you are in its business plan has taken into account and what you like and want, you have a great plan and a wonderful future.

Live in the present?

Golden habit: to enjoy simple things that surround us always. Learning to live with joy the day - this is happiness. Happiness - not distant goal, but a natural way of movement, if we have this golden habit: to enjoy simple things that surround us always. Went out into the street - with you topples expanse of the sky light and dense fresh air. You walk down the street - you birds singing, waving tree branches, you can do, when you wish, to escape. In the evening you get home, there will be warm and cozy, you can turn on a yellow light and have tea with a lemon of a steaming cup of ...

He who can see it and live it, to answer the question of happiness: "Always!" But to live this "happens, and others. At sintonovskom forum when discussing this chapter: "To live the future," Alexander said dispute: "To live by this." I liked it - she has written much. But I think she wrote about something else: about what? As you read this? Words of Alexander: "In the distant solar childhood was all" then ": he made the lessons, but for now I'll go for a walk ... then I'll do exercises every day, and now spend half a day making a beautiful day regime in the frame ... then I find his calling, and now finish this one institution to the crust was ... Then - I'll have a crazy love affair with a guy that all girls envy flourish ... and so far I'll go ride a bike with a cheerful dolt Vaska ...

Then I'll be beautiful, rich and happy, I'll go on business trips to London and Paris to write a book and learn water-skiing ... ever ... and then - gave birth to their children, "then" disappeared. I can not postpone writing a check for tomorrow, if the free half-hour there today. Because tomorrow - do not know whether I have that half hour. I can not postpone developing games with the children because they need to learn now, while small ones. And I can not get rich, beautiful and successful and then - because the example they need to apply today. All that I can - I'll do right now. All I want - I want today!

Then there will be nappies, and chickenpox, sleepless nights and fatigue, the endless affairs, more and more responsibilities and expenses, the first wrinkles, then everything will become harder to lose weight or learn French. More and more expensive will be the tiny houses in the south of France, and more attractive will be a comfortable chair and a rug, all the more difficult to compete with the young and hot ... so need to have time now! As long as I can. While the most important thing - I want to. As long as someone else wrote about what I wanted to write ... until somebody else bought that requires repair razvalyushku the sea, which I saw yesterday in a dream ...

In my opinion, this is not about "living in the present, but about the inability to organize their own future. It's about those who have empty dreams, it is not applied dreams into concrete plans. Who lazily planned, such as was planned, but did not.About those who were engaged in garbage, who lived uncollected absently vraskachku. Indeed, if we do this for a long time, life is wasted, lost time and lost start. And when the time has gone and put her life, when the island pripeklo really think about the future becomes difficult ...
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