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To marry at age 30 or Saturn Return

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To marry at age 30 or Saturn Return

This article I decided to write after a conversation with one of female friends with whom we recently met at the cafe during lunch. Everything started with her gossip about a certain Natasha, which is listed in an organization where my friend works. Natasha's all fine and fabulous and live, and looks beautiful, and the position is high, and the machine is expensive, etc. etc. "But not all go as smoothly as they say, not without a drop of poison - it is almost tridtsatnik, and she has still not married, and in the evenings to spend time in the company of his cat, so I told her not a bit jealous!" - Nodding his head, said my companion. I am puzzled remarked: "Well, is this a problem? Maybe tomorrow she will meet her lover 'and get married ...." At that my companion has given a truly sacramental phrase: "It's unlikely! Chance in their thirties to marry - is virtually zero." The author of this statement in my twenty seven has the status of married women and eight children. Therefore, the ease with which have been made so hasty conclusions, I understand. But still wanted to dispel a common stereotype fallacy with astrology. 

All unmarried, dedicated ...

Young women often ask me for astrological consultation to find out when will be their long-awaited marriage. If we analyze the statistics, we can see wonderful thing - this issue most often apply the fair sex , aged about 30 years . From the perspective of the laws of astrology is quite understandable. 

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At this age, we all are experiencing the so-called return of Saturn . The cycle of Saturn last about 29.5 years. Days on the giant planets are flying fast and slow years. This is because saturnovskie last night a little less than 11 hours, but around the sun Planet nag "nearly 30 Earth years. In one of the zodiacal sign of Saturn stays for about three years. When you first return to his place - from 29 th to 31 th year of life - has a major impact on our personal lives and family relationships, and most importantly - to internal attitudes, beliefs. 

Something is lost in this period, permanently remains in the country of childhood, such as certain personality traits, such as infantilism, carelessness, frivolity and easy attitude to life .... And something is purchased. It can be such a valuable quality for families and partnerships as understanding others' internal systems, problems, patience and compassion, the ability to listen to others, be faithful, to give yourself home, family, children, to overcome periods of fatigue, loneliness, financial difficulties of the family, the ability to wait and endure, save and achieve goals work and effort. And most importantly - under any circumstances, not to lose heart and become a model for others. 

Saturn in the horoscope is responsible for discipline, control, accountability, rigor, loneliness and loss. For those women who have a personal horoscope Saturn is strong on the status or be in any aspect with Venus, manageress of marriage, as a rule, most of these frameworks and the constraints are many and in particular they apply to privacy. Do not go well for these women to private life and that's it. Did not get to meet your soulmate, fall in love and get married. Every single dating men are unfounded and futile, and even if love comes, it finds no reciprocity or stumbles upon the compelling circumstances that prevent to be close to the object of sighs. But during the return of Saturn in his natal position, his "shackles" are weakened and ...

A further scenario looks like in the famous poem, AS Pushkin: "The chains of serious fall, collapse Dungeons and Freedom, you will be met with joy at the door ...." Return of Saturn can bring relief from previously restricted to the circumstances, the possibility of unusual activity, independence and initiative. By the first single women finally comes the long-awaited love, there is a beautiful novel, and almost as if by magic an offer to marry. And sometimes not even one! 

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Of course, the influence of Saturn, also applies to men, including, but unlike the unmarried women are not so painfully puzzling question of their social status. Because of public opinion after thirty an unmarried man still - interesting bachelor, but a woman - already "an old maid." As a result, the internal state of loneliness a woman who was unlucky in love, compounded by external pressures. Not everyone can endure the pressure firmly, with humor. According to statistics at the turn of 19-20 centuries, the average age for marriage in Russia was one of the earliest in Europe: in the early 20 th century in Russia among brides standing at the altar girls under 21 years accounted for 54%, whereas in Germany only 13.9 %, while in the Netherlands and even less - 13,3%. In modern society, there was a change, and it became fashionable in the west to marry, firmly standing on its feet. But assuming that is not soon our countrymen will follow the example of people in Europe, where the average age to marry in the northern European countries 30-33 years. Strong we still have stereotypes! 

As you already understood, in a personal horoscope incorporated a detailed program for life! According to the canons of astrology each event in the life defined his time, and one fine day in almost every woman the opportunity to marry. But someone earlier, and someone - later. If you are genuinely concerned about the issue, quit if you get married and whether you have a child, and this question usually arises in the above circumstances, I, ie when the years pass, and next is still no native loved one, then it can be easily answered with the help of astrology. 

In such cases, a forecast for a particular year or several years, and the analysis, which explores how stands in the map projection Saturn, the weakened if he has influence, and what you can try to adjust his personal life. This knowledge is very useful because, first of all, help is not given to despondency, and not from complexes, and secondly, give the installation in this astrologer best period for marriage to pursue a more active lifestyle, not lie with a book on the couch, waiting for her prince ! And most importantly - do not rush to put on a cross, just because you have thirty. 

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Crisis in a marriage or a second wind

This is a letter I received from one of the women who applied to me for advice. "I'm thirty-something. A month ago, she divorced her husband - he left her for another. The children we did not have - did not have time to start. Terribly afraid of loneliness, do not want to go back to an empty apartment, very depressing silence. I already get out: enrolled in a sports club , gathered friends to visit, has changed her hairstyle. I know that the pain will pass and be forgotten ... I was gnawing at another - whether it is possible to meet "her" man of my age? "How often have found some good examples of the device private life after 30 years at razvedenok - obnadezhte I really need your support! ". 

As you've probably figured out, the return of Saturn can bring a variety of changes in personal life. It is important to realize in time that happens to you, and act according to these sensations. For those couples who married before the age of the Saturn "for his return to the natal position often has a feeling of disappointment in someone or something. As a rule, a marriage partner and in the marital union as a whole. According to a feeling of sadness and depression. But in this case, if the marriage for what it does not meet the criteria of Saturn . For example, if the period of joint marital life, the couple have not learned to be patient and understanding towards each other, were to be treason and treachery, did not match the main goals in life and most importantly did not create the backbone of the family, social unit, the basis of the same kind of internal installations. 

During this period, married couples are beginning to have doubts regarding the preservation of their unsatisfying marriage, they are anticipating major changes in their lives. Many are beginning to notice that the situation calls for new solutions, and the old methods no longer work. Many are aware that it is time to change his fate, and go to meet these changes. Others, conversely, prevent them, and then, it seems, the very hand of Fate sends them to situations that are forced to recognize and synthesize a complete picture of all his previous experience. Thus, the divorce between return of Saturn - is also not uncommon. 

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Women standing on the threshold of a divorce during this period, say to me: "Oh, I'm so disappointed in Misha (Sasha, Lesha, Dima, etc). I thought he was - my half and we always will be all right, but now our relationship - this is my pain! ". Probably, Misha (Sasha, Lesha or Dima) is not bad, just at the time of the return of Saturn's many women were finally removed "rose-colored glasses" that are worn with the youth and realize their true needs, how they want their marriage and how must be the spouse. And to realize that next to them is not a man, and that marriage was a mistake. But it is very difficult to break what has been built over the years and it seemed such a reliable and an uncertain future scares, plunging into a depression. In such cases, I say: "Well, let's see your natal chart, now you return to Saturn . This is a period remarkable for the fact that people take responsibility for their destiny into their own hands and begin a new life. Now you all seem terrible and scary, not Is it true? "Nothing, it will soon pass. With the return of Saturn's expectations are always the last covered the light of new life. " 

Here are a few positive examples of how life has changed famous women in the age of Saturn : 

- More recently, 30-year-old Oxana Fedorova, winner of the title of Miss Universe - 2002 ", a police captain and host of" Good night, kids' married German businessman.

- Anastasia, a dancer, met her husband Igor Vdovin in 29 years, one year later gave birth to a cute daughter easily and officially married in 1931. 

- 30-year-old Colombian pop star Shakira is going in September this year to change their marital status: singer marries with his elect Antonio De La Rua, the son of former Argentine president. In a recent interview with 30-year-old Shakira said that matured, finally, to family life and wants to have kids. 

All of these charming women have gone through a series of disappointments, trials and errors in love, took place as a person, dobivshih every success in his business. And finally, during the period of Saturn , safely settled his personal life in accordance with the requirements of strict planet that disapprove of cohabitation and open relationship. Examples of weight, you can find them themselves in the life of people close to you. Not always, these changes occur in the event-plane, but some changes in his personal life there are always. Go to this consciously, remember that this period will help your progress. Suppose that at the time of the event that you feel are disturbing and sad, may you still have no luck in his personal life, just remember - your life will soon change for the better, when Saturn is mercy, and help you find what you want to dream about. Importantly, do not despair! 
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