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To succumb to defeat

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To succumb to defeat

The practice of communicating individual and collective sometimes presents surprises that can confound the most highly experienced specialist in the field of practical psychology. Team or any other social group experiencing the multiple effects quite different nature. Such a complex "mechanism" as a collective or a group consisting of individuals is not always adequate to shocks, which exposed. These influencing factors may be a relationship in families, some extreme events as downsizing or delayed wages. For example, the management of large enterprises has announced a large-scale redundancies! As a result of the team have been entrusted to you the mood of protest. Emotional background in such situations sharply negative, the team held a general irritation inside the same every concerned their own destiny. In that weakness lies insensible fragmentation of the group. But how to act in such aggravated circumstances, not to lose the positions gained a leader or manager? It is clear that the advice given here is not possible, because each situation action may differ significantly.

It is important to know what the composition of the staff, how many women in it. People of temperament prevail in this team. Is there a collective emotional leader or a privilege only in your hands. The average age in the team, etc. Of course, it is necessary and important to understand exactly why dissent. But there is method which is applicable in most acute and complex situations, even if it was not possible to examine sufficient motives. We call it the principle of "Ju-Do." In loosely translated from Japanese, it should be understood - " succumb to defeat . " In our situation to win - means to master the situation and achieve manageability team. Depending on which side you become a party to such sentiments, we offer you two options for the possible development of the situation.
1.You - the head of this team, but not an emotional leader.

It is clear that the team will associate you as an advocate of the interests of the owner of the company. You probably know the motives of such actions of the owner. Before you a dilemma - how to master the situation, so as not to lose some confidence in the team and not disappoint the higher authorities. Need to win virtually "stalemate" situation. Sharp, emotive actions will only lead to over-heated environment, and you do not have ready solutions. You need time! Means to genuinely sincere attempt to talk to anyone, or breaking the group into smaller groups to try to sympathetically understand the impending personal tragedy. This will show you how to be their concern over the fate of each team member. These conversations in a relaxed atmosphere probably will tell you how to proceed. And most importantly - you, firstly, be able to remove some stress, because sound off a few people calm down, and secondly, everyone will be able to assess your part in his problems, and, thirdly, you can make an informed decision in a calm atmosphere.

2.You - the emotional leader of this team and lead it.

This situation has its pluses and minuses. When the team with seemingly common to all targets yet Place and personal problems, the responsibility of the emotional leader of the decline. And that's a plus! But your membership in the management staff is becoming a serious disadvantage. How could operate from that position in a similar situation? You and here it is important to gain time, "smooth" irritated emotional background and at the same time, managed not to lose confidence in the team and confirm the supreme command of their competence. Again, the principle of "Ju-Up! Without succumbing to the overall negative energy must sincerely and compassionately, talking very closely and with interest and patience to listen to everyone!

Needed encouragement, but not promised anything about it, something like this - "Do not worry, be sure to have thought of something!". Only by your sincerity, sympathy, attention and patience to the success of your admonitions. The result - you lose, do not pass any items! The remaining work will be remembered for your part in their problems. Guide satisfied that there were no relapses! Dismissed as not going to keep on your evil, just out of unconscious gratitude for the sympathy and because the "cold" discretion to convince them that if you are, and participated in the decision to fire them, then certainly not out of personal relations, but because depended on the "whims" of senior management. I want to warn you, remember - the sincerity and authenticity! Otherwise all you'll get - so this distrust and disillusionment of the collective.
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