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Tongue should not only drink the decoction of herbs, but also to rinse the mouth

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Tongue should not only drink the decoction of herbs, but also to rinse the mouth and throat.

• Viola tricolor well as helping with laryngeal cancer and stomach.

• Broth violets Boil wine and rinsing the mouth, removes halitosis, as well as cures toothache.

• Violet eliminates the swelling of the face.

• The herb assists in the treatment of epilepsy, but the best help boys than girls.

• If swelling of the uterus each day for the night to douche with warm broth.

• When you hit on the head when the patient ceases to speak the language, you need to grind violet wine. Take the inside, put on the tongue and as a compress - to the point of impact. If the right side of the head succumbed to defeat, to the left foot on the sole can make a fresh pounded violet and do the opposite: if the left side of his head struck - to attach to the bottom of the right leg.

• When scrofula, chronic rashes should be used grass mixed with peanut butter.

• Violet syrup is useful in pleurisy, an inflammation of the lungs, stomach, helps with pain in the kidneys, drives the urine and stones, a roll of the rectum.

• Broth grass driving excess phlegm from the spleen.

• Violet, if it is drier, grind into powder and sniff, soothes headaches.

• In the form of drug-dressing of barley oatmeal soothes hot tumor.

• Flowers violet to help with cramps, nervous fits, epilepsy, stone disease.

• Napara violets cure gout and rheumatism. In pediatric practice, and scrofulous rahitochnyh children bathed in a strong decoction of herbs.
• From "Hair" three-color violet pound of fresh lard and applied to the sore spot. The same ointment heals cracked lips.

• The roots of the grass extract pus from the lungs, destroying the purulent uterine tumors. In the form of ointments or drinking herb is useful in hot and eye inflammation.

• Broth violets well helps in pediatric practice in whooping cough.

• If you insist grass in vegetable oil and the anoint eczema on his head, it will help.

• Helps with liver tumors, if the fresh chopped herb as a compress applied to the sore spot.

Contraindications for use of herbs - hepatitis, glomerulonephritis.
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