Took the credit - and order!
In recent years, to make an expensive purchase was a lot easier. In a shop or Look, everywhere and at all now, you can get a loan. It would seem - it's just a fairy tale! You can no longer spend months and years to ensure that accumulate the necessary amount. took out a loan - and order! Enjoy your new machine right now, not five years from now, when you finally rack up the required amount. But only if it is in your best interest? At first glance, a loan - the perfect solution to all financial problems. But if you take a closer look better, it turns out that many of the problems with credit are just beginning. We will not try to impose your opinion. If you are required to be responsible and have a good stable income, but do not know how to save money, good credit on favorable terms will be really beneficial and you will benefit. You can safely take the goods, only to start as thoroughly as possible, select a bank that provides the required amount in optimal conditions! And forward. Good luck. But there are people who take the credit categorically not profitable. And here's why.
1.Kredit makes you feel the burden of responsibility. You start to work not for themselves and their goods, and for the loan. You managed not so much a desire to succeed and get rich, how much fear: "What if I do not pay the loan?" It's a bad incentive. Most people have sharply reduced performance and lost all desire. Why work hard, earn money, if in the end they still have to pay the bank?
2.Mnogie people take out a loan in the euphoria, which disappears when they realize how much they overpays for a particular commodity.
3.Kredit can be extremely harmful to the nervous system, especially if you're a person susceptible. Once you forget or fail to timely make the monthly payment, as banks begin nazvanivat you several times a day, sometimes comes to intimidation, and tales of what you are waiting for huge fines. Bank - not a friend with whom you can agree and which can be explained: "Look, at work salary detained, let the next week I will give."
So before you take the credit, carefully weigh all and get on it really in your interest or you're just taken to the high-profile advertising slogans?