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Tooth for tooth, eye for an eye

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Tooth for tooth, eye for an eye!

Let this saying (at least for a while!) Will be your motto. Remember: if you do not defend himself, then very soon turn into a diffident creature, frightened and unhappy. I saw these women - they apologize, even to his own shadow, and her husband watched with such awe and fear in his eyes that, frankly, I'm from this is not by itself. Yes, and ashamed for all of our feminine - not, in fact, so humiliated! But I hope you will never be the same as those gray mouse. If you respect yourself, of course. So, remember a simple truth: useless silently and patiently bear the blow by blow, hoping that the abuser himself bore you to beat and it will cease this activity.

And do not expect him to get bored! Impact to meet counter-attack, with immediate and equal in strength (in some cases it is possible and superior!). Tooth for tooth, eye for an eye! " Your task - to make it clear to her abuser that you are not dumb victim who is ready to demolish all the resentment, insults and attacks, but would not engage in open battle. Show everyone that you are not afraid to stand up for themselves and are able to repel anyone who only dare to attack you. Yes, do not be surprised: I plead not for the banal marital squabble and squabble, it would be too easy and pointless. No, do not quarrel with those who have offended you, just need to put that person exactly the same impact (and in the same place, no matter how ridiculous it sounds!), What he had done to you. It is advisable to touch the same chord in his soul that had been raised in your. As they say, that was nepovadno.

Let me explain my idea in a concrete example. You stand before a mirror and trying on a beautiful lacy lingerie. The mood you are beautiful, you feel beautiful, young and sexy, you like the look of your body in these kruzhavchikah you satisfied with yourself and the world ... But here you are suited to your husband, and critically inspects you from head to toe and querulous tone of voice says: "Yes, the old lady, I remember what you were reed! Now do not you lose ten pounds, and can also nothing would. Although, of course, the youth will not return! "Naturally, after this declaration good mood you will not see, but you can still honorably wriggle out of this situation, preserving their dignity and punish her husband. Just quietly, you can even cute smile, turn to the spouse, okinte it, in turn, alert eyes and ... agree with him, though, and took it in his company: "Yes, dear, we are not what they were. Look, you have a belly grew, I did not think could be ten years ago, that you become like a soccer ball! But what can you do, the years no one color, at least take your bald head! ".." Then you can again turn to the mirror and continue to do their toilet, I assure you, than your husband does not bother you with his criticism!
This example, I showed you what your retaliation should be directed to the same point where tselil and your abuser. In our case, the husband criticized the appearance of his wife and her age, accustomed to waiting for her to tears and complaints. Instead, he got the same "pie", who were treated in full: his wife rightly pointed out that his appearance is also not ideal, and not about age, he would say. Counterstrike has reached his goal, he simply could not reach it - you know, people always (VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOU!) Criticized what causes the greatest concern to themselves. Most likely, her husband secretly complex because of its appearance, because of his bald head, big belly, double chin, wrinkles and all that; idlya to rise in his own eyes, he humiliates his wife. He makes her feel old and ugly and on the background of her mental torment felt that he was not too thick and uninteresting. Is mean, of course, but vital. Probably, in their own husband loves his wife but did not consider it necessary to take care of her emotional state; in the first place he had his own problems, its complexes and fears. Naturally, I'm not saying that all the men are, but that not all spouses can afford such remarks against women, right?

If the husband is always criticizing your clothes, makeup, jewelry and hairstyle, then most likely, he was terribly afraid that you leave him, of course, such an attitude flattering, but it is burdensome, the constant grumbling tiring, and besides, you just want to hear something something good about yourself! Or at least, nothing at all to hear, if your husband can not stop criticizing you. In fact, to what is unpleasant remarks: "Honey, your new dress makes you look like a frightened pony in a haystack," "This lipstick is not you, you - as a street girl, cheap and vulgar, nasty look," or "No, it's just awful, now take off this junk, and put that black robe, he at least covers the feet, but you need to cover them, you know!" Sometimes my husband is right, but most of his criticism is unfair, and of course She can not touch a nerve ... But think, because this is what your spouse was counting! He wanted to hurt you, make you hurt, take away your confidence! You to understand that, except for him, the one no one you do not love that no one else (his potential rivals) you do not need.

Deal with this domostroevskim despotism is not only possible but also necessary. In the end, if your husband is jealous of you to other men, then it's not your problem, it should decide its own and not at your expense. What he should do himself, if he has so afraid of competition? Let's like a gym, sit on a diet, will my closet, finally! And even better - let the suit you alone with him a romantic trip abroad or at sea! Ah, well, of course, all this takes more effort, time, energy and money, to humiliate you, make you believe in what you ugly and unattractive woman, much easier ... Well - do not even think to believe in all these nasty things! You are beautiful, interesting, sexy woman, I repeat to myself every time your husband will open his mouth. And after he favors, do not hesitate to answer - beat on patient self-esteem of her husband, looking for the most vulnerable spot in his heart and strikes! In the end, if he does not think about you, why you should think about it? If he is not afraid to offend you, then you should not worry about it. In my opinion, it's only fair.
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