Totemic animals near you
We - are part of nature. And though the science of this long-forgotten, everything in this world, lives a rhythm. In not too many countries, but mostly just in some tribes, were a belief in the power and magic of the animals. Therefore I propose to deal with what animals we identify himself or someone from the fauna, is our patron and what power he gives us.
Sometimes, there is a sensation, as if our body wants to live their own, independent life. Sometimes you do it? For someone it happens during a hangover, someone had "spread into parts" at a high temperature, someone with melancholy or sadness. This is not just physical hallucinations of your brain. It is not understood and not compatibility of your totem animals. Who are these mysterious people? This animalistic imagery. It's like a naturally occurring predators, fish, birds, creeping, and fabulous images of animals.
Totemism - is the belief of our ancestors in their relationship with certain animals or plants.
You can not apply to an ancient clan, and is not necessarily worship parrots or frogs, but a totem animal you have everything exactly. While not one, but seven. The purpose and function of their existence, at everyone, but it is one that they guard your area (in places where they are located), and give you his power in cases of extreme necessity. Sometimes, of course, they can go against you. But only if you try to hurt themselves. So where are these secret places in which they live our pets?
You probably heard about the chakras. So, totem animals, housed in them. I will not stray, and immediately tell where exactly did.
For a complete concept, take a piece of paper and something to writing, and draw yourself. Not much excelled, cracks on the heels and wrinkles on the neck can skip, draw a torso, arms, legs, neck and head. Ready? Well, as the makings of an artist emerged? So, let's go from the bottom up.
The first chakra - coccyx (the real name I give to you I will not, it just confuse. We say to our own, human language). You put the bullet in the coccyx. Ready?
The second chakra - sex chakra. Finding it is as follows: in men it is three fingers below the navel, in women it is the center of the uterus. Put zhiiirnuyu point.
The third chakra - solar plexus. Can draw a sun there.
The fourth chakra - heart.
The fifth chakra - the throat.
The sixth chakra - the third eye area
Seventh Chakra - Crown, is the highest point of the head.
So. Ready? All chakras must be noted in a straight line, they have built. What do we do next. And further, we define what is an animal stuck in your chakras, and find out what they are accountable. In this test experiment, it is desirable that someone has helped you. You udobnenko arrange and close the eyes. And that someone calls you to let the chakras as they have plotted, from the bottom up, by their names (the coccyx, sexual, etc.). At a time when you hear the name of the chakras, you will see or think of any animal, write it down. So, three, four. Started!
As a result, you get a list of the chakras as we have above, but there are no names, and your pets. They then are your totem animals. If you understood everything correctly, then everything is done correctly. Well, now the most interesting. We learn, than to manage your totem animals. Again we go from the bottom up.
This animal is responsible for your material world. Scroll to the strong properties, and business meetings, conversations or use them as their weapons.
This animal is a symbol of the soul. Well, as you your character? A lot of this butterfly. Well, even if you have something a little more bulky, do not worry, it means the soul and you have the volume.
This animal is responsible for your attitude towards life. What are the strengths and weaknesses is he? So it affects your life
This animal - love.
Here we see - match or not, what I really
This beast is the level of principles
Well, this is responsible for the Higher Self
All this you know by now, but could not understand how to use this information. When you have a difficult situation, pay attention to what region it belongs. Love it, or a career, and how our ancestors did, sit down and find your totem friend what he wants? What he wants to show you? Why teach? This is how simple, sit down, close your eyes and ask. If you're shy and think that it's all nonsense - do not start, wasting your time. You did not hear.
And in a situation which I described at the beginning, when your body want to honor "crawl" away from you, it means that the war started mezhdts all totem animals. Caused by it can be anything: drunkenness, illness, bad thoughts, etc. You literally and visually to plant them at a round table. And let them decide what to do. Let find out. You know, I'm familiar with the cases when, after such "round tables" people find solutions, who agonizes over the years. And someone suddenly recovered.
To increase the impact on you at the moment, some of the totem animal, you can carry around his figure, his charm, drawing, engraving. Do not recommend doing tattoos - this is a dangerous option. Some, depending on how the situation requires it, copy the behavior of the totemic animal.
And it is possible that the symbol of animal was not always at you and in your home, but a place of honor. For example, a photo of a monkey is not always convenient in a purse or jacket pocket, but put it on your desktop or on the bedside table, where are the keys, it would be just right. And the next time you look at your "totemtsa" You will recall that at you is his guard.
And do not be shy, if your list will affect any "ignoble" animals. Understand that if this creature was not in this world, life would be completely different. Each performs its function, and this is no exception. So love your guards!