Transit of Jupiter over the Sun and its aspects
The strong influence of Jupiter over the constellation tranzitiruyuschego Sun Radix, promising happiness and success, can last about 20 days or 3 weeks. The influence of this transit will be the stronger, the best constellation in Radix has the Sun and is it better than aspected by other planets. Weak or poorly aspected by the Sun or unfavorable constellation of Jupiter itself in Radix can bring only moderate or even small successes. You should always follow and pay attention to the simultaneous influence of other planets tranzitiruyuschih at the moment because it gives a more accurate and precise, more expressive picture. Naturally, the good effect of the other planets simultaneously tranzitiruyuschih much to improve and strengthen the influence of Jupiter itself, but a bad influence on the contrary, reduces the influence of Jupiter, or even completely neutralized. This transit has a good effect on the profession, job, business. He is particularly beneficial effect on all new initiatives and negotiations, processes, agreements and contracts. It is accurate and true of a revival. The overall situation and environment, all contribute to the world and accelerate the holding of the next plan in life and create a favorable trend for expansion and to achieve success. Increase and expand professional and business areas, new businesses are successful, and without much difficulty successfully completed. This is a favorable time for accession to the new position. Well achieve something, to compete with anyone, or spoken to marry a loved one, to claim something, stand for election, to attend high-level officials, presented to anyone, etc. All negotiations with the authorities or the authorities, with institutions in departments to quickly and safely completed. This period is well used for trials or domestic holidays and celebrations, engagement or wedding or another kind of fun, entertainment and pleasure.