Transit of Jupiter with the Moon and its aspects
In the men's horoscopes this indicates a temporary, short-term affairs and relations with his wife, mistress or girlfriends. The favorable impact of this or not, depends on the good and bad aspects. Generally in these cases, Jupiter causes emotional and different mental processes, enhancing the senses. In some cases, this indicates a trip or a short trip. Connection and favorable aspects. Happy period, full of inspiration and enthusiasm to meet new people. Increased creativity, improved health. A good time for engagements, weddings, to professional success, for family and housing cases (an exchange, transfer). Improvement of financial affairs. In female horoscope: an engagement, wedding, happiness, good relationships with my family. In the men's horoscopes: welfare, temporary affairs and relations, good for his wife and her relatives. Emotionality, increased feelings. Favorable trip or short trip. Ability to influence the public, audience, mass. Increased perception, grace, friendliness, family, mother's feelings and instincts. Unfavorable aspects. Physical weakness, low mood, frustration, moods, temper, damage to reputation, frivolity, frustration in women. In the men's horoscopes: adverse, temporary short-term business and relationships. Family problems. Adverse travel, travel, change. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder, stomach and spleen. Temporary weakness and volatility, insecurity and nesobrannost, laziness. For women: the risk of illness, loss, frustration. Suffers from the general state of health. Unpleasant changes or woe of a woman. Short censure and unpopularity. In female horoscope: frustration, if Moon is in the house VII: gossip, slander, and unfavorable period for the love and marriage in the XI house: adverse, harmful interference in private affairs of friends, acquaintances, others, in the XII house: gossip, slander, hatred and humiliation of dignity.