Transit of Mars through Uranus and its aspects
Connection; unfavorable aspects. The critical period for all cases. Warlike spirit, often breaking out and directing people to violence or an accident, injury or damage, a disease or simply to conflicts accident or paralysis, or a change of residence, work ... Negligence or ill-considered, excitability and irritability, arguments, quarrels and conflicts. Fires or explosions, or natural disaster or accident (disaster) is always a danger! The critical period for the medicine (surgery), research, human sacrifices. Deaths. Nervousness, anxiety, aggressiveness and impulsiveness violence, fights and assaults, incitement. Favorable aspects. Extraordinary creative force and energy. Willpower, courage, bravery. Amazing, extraordinary success. Good for spiritual studies, mental work, for science and technology to art and the occult, for research, inventions and discoveries. To fight crime, freedom and independence, fairness and justice. Good for innovation, new ideas, goals, plans.