Compounds; unfavorable aspects. Nervousness, anxiety and agitation, and headaches. Mania violence and coercion in relation to the duty and action, speeches and conversations, arguments, quarrels, etc. Appears swiftness and fury, haste, haste and rashness. You can expect trouble because of the letters, contracts and agreements, because the signatures on documents, etc. Inability to concentrate and do the business. Critical day for travel and movement. Adverse or suspend the negotiations and discussions. Bad for business and trade, for new plans. Disputes and quarrels, controversies and scandals, debates and discussions. Accidents at work, transportation, aviation. Fires, accidents. A critical day for the scientists, for research. Favorable aspects. Depth of knowledge, creative power. Growth and increase in spiritual activity and foresight. The desire to organize something, to move, to act. Come to mind very positive, original thought and ideas, plans and intentions. Energetic and impulsive activities. A good day for mental work, excellent acting and affect academic and research work. Increase and strengthen the capacity for creativity and creativity for inventions and discoveries, increased interest in spiritual issues in science, to metaphysics and the occult, the arts and technology. New acquaintances and friendships, relationships and contacts with interesting and original people. On this day, well inspired and inspire others. Good to deal with legal issues, applications, business ties with foreign countries for the press, correspondence, published by the publishing house, agreements and negotiations for the purchase and sale, to deal with industrial and economic questions, for holidays and treatment, for the marriage (especially "of convenience" ).