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Transit of Saturn through Mercury and its aspects

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Transit of Saturn through Mercury and its aspects
 Here intellectual activity comes in the slow but deep channel. Mercury under this transit is losing its lightness, agility and resourcefulness, it becomes slow and deep as in the sphere of thought, and in business. This transit affects good, if mostly horoscope, Saturn and Mercury are related aspect of good, especially for scientists engaged in the solution of serious scientific problems, and for writers popularizers of scientific problems, because this transit deepens thought, conscience and feelings, this case can give a person great contemplation and creativity, creates a spiritual balance. On the other hand, the transit of Saturn's ability to adapt mutes, mutes the lightness, agility and resourcefulness. When the bad aspects of this transit can bring depression, conflict and obstacles and create a predisposition to work hard and unnecessary worries and cares, cause complications with the external environment and lead to disappointment and anger. Connection. Creates a deep thinking, the ability of concentration, a clear mind, a sober mind and controlled emotion. A very favorable time for intellectual work and travel. Unfavorable aspects. Blunted ability to adapt, drowned ease, agility and resourcefulness. Depression, the contradictions and obstacles. Extra work and hassle, disappointment and anger. Complications with the outside world. Misses at work, bad writing, the difficulties in trade feud, fall to the lowest strata of society, disputes, quarrels, and nerve disease, stupid debts, whipping with forced performance, recovery), the loss of official papers, documents, conflicts with older people and the Jews deterioration in financial affairs, a suicide attempt. This period is totally unsuitable for visits. Favorable aspects. Contemplation and creative energy. Spiritual balance. A very important time to focus, for scientific research, scientists and writers, for testing mental strength. Useful time for financing and investment in homes and real estate, long-term agreements and contracts, wills, trade and travel, journeys, contact with older people, enabling correspondence.
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