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Transit of Sun by Neptune and its aspects

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 Connection. Nature of the impact of this transit depends on the position and mutual relations of the Sun and Neptune are mostly horoscope. Adverse aspects (critical day). Chaos of feelings and thoughts. Hence: mistakes, errors, deception, unpleasant experience. All this can lead to catastrophic consequences in the sphere of life, which indicate the position of the planets and their aspects. Can occur delaying marriage, or widowhood (in female horoscopes), or separation, or illness. Maybe it's the threat of crime, accident or death case. Anyway, this day is required extreme caution at home, at home, in transport. Caution on the street. Avoid public gatherings and avoid travel by boat or plane. Favorable aspects. Spiritual harmony. The deepening of perception, depth of thought and inspiration. Good time for creative and intellectual activity in science, technology, arts, occultism. Travel will be held safely (especially marine). A very good time for social events: festivals, entertainment. good for marriage, love, engagements, weddings, family parties, new alliances and acquaintances, to communicate with foreigners, to visit the authorities, government agencies and departments. Successfully solved the economic issues, issues of pedagogy, talks, travel, vacation, condominiums case (get, change, move). Transit of Sun through Pluto and the aspects of the compound and unfavorable aspects. Critical day. Life is in danger. Human casualties, property damage. Death or an accident, injury, trauma, disease, depending on the nature of the relationship between these planets in the Radix. In female horoscope marriage crisis. Separation from a spouse, partner, father or close male face. This day should be particularly careful when carrying out scientific research, experiment, be careful on the streets and public places, not to take anything illegal favorable aspects. A good day for spiritual training and mental work, for science and technology for the arts and the occult, for scientific research, inventions, discoveries and to collaborate in conducting experiments, especially in the field of nuclear and space research for new experiments, for all modern for progressive perturbations and rearrangements, to change or removal of the old in favor of the new and progressive. Success and good fortune brought many companies, tour and travel abroad, the latest technical experiment, the publication of research papers and articles on current topics of nuclear and space technology. Transit of the Sun through the Ascendant compound favorable aspects. Implementation of the plans, acceptance and approval. Self-confidence. This aspect contributes to social and social recovery, raising ambition and self-esteem, which contributes to the implementation of ambitious plans, intentions and ideas. All activities of this man brings success and good fortune, kindness and benevolence of the authorities of society. Increased vital energy, improve health, settlement, creative force. Unfavorable aspects. Physical weakness, malaise, bad mood disorder in the family.
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