Transit of Sun by the Moon and its aspects
Connection. Increased social activity and popularity. Beneficial effect on the opposite sex. Impact on the human body and its fate according to the principles and specifics of houses of horoscope and zodiac signs, which are the moon and sun. Often strong emotion and stress, sometimes weakening or reducing physical and mental strength. Good for new cases, new beginnings. In the men's horoscope: love affairs, feelings, experiences, courage and success. In female horoscope: a small health disorder. On such a day is useful to take a walk, to organize a family reunion, to change jobs. Favorable aspects. Inner harmony, spiritual and emotional balance. Good mood. Often, collaboration and cooperation (especially with superiors). Sociability, kindness brings a lot of friends. Enhanced self-esteem is often a tendency to lead others, as well as activities for the benefit of society and people. Good time for treatment and rest, for love and marriage, engagements and weddings, for short trips, flights, meetings, reasonable entertainment and cultural events for the visiting public places, etc. Small gifts. Opposition. Mental stress or internal dissension, dissatisfaction, frustration, depression. Moon in XII house in opposition to the Sun brings a nervous disorder or disease. Psychic anxiety, unstable health, rapidly changing mood. Hectic day. Danger due to negligence! During this period, culminate at odds with her mother or female, are older. Bad mood, disagreement, anger. Quadrature. Various difficulties, the internal struggle. Various contradictions, depression, emotional struggle. Difficulties due to emotional lability. Rapidly changing moods. Day of the contradictions of resistance. Interferes with work. Slight malaise.
Tranzit Sun by Mercury and its aspects
Connection; good aspects. Aspect creates an extremely opportune time to improve the situation and circumstances, sharpens the intellect. Activated by thinking, enhanced intuition, ambition, devotion, praise and honor, dignity, initiative and sense of responsibility. Success in business and financial operations. Good time for science and the press, written papers and correspondence, economy and trade, research and public affairs, for business and travel, for religious studies and intellectual work, for literature, art and technology, to metaphysics and the occult, negotiating contracts and contracts for the unions, love, marriage, betrothal, marriage (for love!) for references and information for personal affairs, housing Affairs (get, tell) for change of residence, work, position, etc. You can expect success and good fortune, profit and gain (the distance between the two planets in the horoscope, mostly from 7 to 13 °). In general, works well, nice correspondence, meet new people, small business, small trips, can a nice gift. Strengthening the nervous system. Bad aspects. Bad for all of the above! Inhibition of thought processes, reduction of intuition, the appearance of vanity and arrogance, conceit and arrogance, lust for power and hatred, cunning and guile, helplessness, negligence, unnatural, anger and nervousness. Reinforced emotional impulses, nervous system disorders, differences, conflict, criticism, slander, lies, anger and acrimony, the endless chatter. Unwillingness to work, unpleasant letters, papers, bad actions and deeds, unpleasant changes, unsuccessful trip.