Transit of Uranus by Jupiter and its aspects
Profits and gains or losses. While crossing the constellation of Jupiter, Uranus or inharmonious aspects (quadrature and opposition) Radix can expect financial and material losses, damages, failed trades and speculation failures in legal matters and lawsuits, the propensity to take illegal actions, a difficult period at work. Everywhere will be obstacles and restrictions, sometimes very sharp, especially in cases where both planets in Radix are unfavorable aspect. Under the influence of this transit this man is stubborn and obstinate, he flaunts his alleged rights, it is forcing its expansion to the extent that it leads to personal and legal conflicts with the outside world, especially at work, with co-workers, mainly from his superiors. Quite a different result, when Uranus tranzitiruet through favorable aspects of Jupiter in Radix, especially through its trine. Many times it was found and confirmed that the transit back kind, transit Jupiter trine Uranus brings great benefits in the lottery and other games. This transit should have the same tendency, especially when Jupiter is in Radix II, V or XI homes. No hope of winning will not be if Uranus and Jupiter in Radix have no connection. In this case, you may receive only an extensive commitment to risky enterprises and speculations. Unfavorable aspects. Financial and material losses and damages, failed trades and speculation. Failures in the enterprises and investments. Failures in legal affairs and litigation. During this transit there is stubbornness and obstinacy, a person flaunts their imaginary rights ... Difficult period for the profession. Connection. Long-term happiness, win or inheritance, or finding valuable things or comes a certain broad willingness to take on risky enterprises and speculations. Financial gain and material gain. Successful trades and speculation. Good luck in the enterprises and investments. Good luck in legal matters and litigation. Great success at work, improve personal affairs. Sudden useful contacts, success in society. New connections.