Transit of Uranus by Neptune and its aspects
Disappointment, slander, and defeat. This transit has little effect on the outer material side of life. He explodes inside, harms the reputation of the person, trouble at work because of gossip and slander, prepares and carries out clandestine, insidious attacks, failed plans for an extended period of emotional turmoil caused by external factors, the causes of which can not be detected in advance, nor disclose. Serious injury can bring a whole cluster of strange cases. Particular attention should be paid for the transit of Uranus through the constellation of Neptune, if the latter is damaged by harmful aspects. Transit of Uranus through the favorable aspects of the actual play no role. It no longer affects the mental and spiritual level of the person and only in people a high level of intellectual development. Connection. Particularly bad aspect. At this time, requires the greatest caution and vigilance. Possible unexpected loss, poisoning, mental turmoil. Unfavorable aspects. Brings disappointment for people who do not fulfill their promises. Damage to reputation, trouble at work because of gossip and slander. Covert attack. Unsuccessful shocks due to adverse external factors. Danger of accident, poisoning, illness, accident during the trip, flight or movement, sudden unexpected loss. Favorable aspects. Actual play no role. Impact on the mental and spiritual people with a high level of intellectual and spiritual development, is prone to the occult, travel, change, inspiration, new friendships with people of spiritual stock, people close spiritual lessons from them.