Transit of Uranus through Mars and its aspects
Sudden conflicts, aggression, accidents. This transit has the effect, even in cases where between the two planets not in aspect of Radix. Effect of transit of Uranus through Mars is amplified and becomes dangerous, if Radix these planets are associated aspect. Sudden conflict is rugged and fast, and the ascent of feelings, emotions, increase strength and energy is used for destruction. During this extremely critical transit attracts attention is that conflicts arise against the rule, government, peace, Persuasion. At this time there is a big attraction to the resistance and rebellion, to the disputes and quarrels, to insults and violence. It was during this period, more than just the case of various accidents (especially when Radix between these planets unfavorable aspect or damaged by the other planets), accidents, violent events, forced disputes, quarrels and conflicts, dangerous moments, life-threatening. At this time, increased nervousness and emotional excitement, tendency to impulsive behavior and actions. Is particularly dangerous during this transit mass action, demonstrations and rallies during the revolution and war, when the people giving full rein to their passions, moving to a fight and attacks, incitement and sedition, or other intolerable rude, inconsiderate and relentless violence shares in an effort to for freedom and independence. In the overwhelming number of cases, these shares are satisfied with people who basically have the horoscope of the damaged aspects between Uranus and Mars, Uranus and Jupiter, Mars and Jupiter. With special attention to this aspect should be taken athletes and especially those that deal with motorsport, as most accidents happen in this sport. Unfavorable aspects. Nervousness and anxiety, swiftness and impetuosity. Insults and rude, violent incidents, forced disputes and quarrels, dangerous moments, life-threatening. Nervousness, anxiety and excitement, impulsive acts and actions, aggression. Fights and assaults, incitement and rebellion, arrogant and ruthless acts of violence. Accidents, especially in motorsport. Injuries, injuries, illnesses, operations. Accidents and disasters, and sometimes deaths. Failure, loss, unemployment. Death by fire or explosion. Connection. This period brings anxiety, controversy and concern. Be particularly careful. Unfavorable aspects. Trauma, surgery, predisposition to violence, treason, attacking enemies. Critical period. Favorable aspects. The sudden success and entrepreneurial spirit, increase strength and energy. This period is good for the destruction and elimination of bad and harmful, to fight crime, freedom and independence. If Mars in Radix has a bad constellation and aspects, nothing good. Health promotion.