Transit of Uranus through Meridian
Major changes, rotations, permutations. New ideas and plans. The boundary of X at home Radix, or Meridian, is relevant to parents, inheritance, marriage and symbolize the profession and the work force and power, glory and honor, attitude toward the world, his own "I" with all the ambition, plans and objectives. Acute and serious turns and changes, internal and external permutation here is very strong. This transit brings a change of work, profession, position. Come to mind more and more new ideas and plans because of irritability and excited feelings, awaken in the human discontent to himself, to his business, which in turn makes him an irresistible desire for change, to rotations and permutations. This transit is disturbing events and excitement not only at work and in society, but also at home, at home or in an environment of close friends. The most dramatic effect has Uranus in cases where the Meridian is aspected in the Radix of the Uranus and other planets. Uranium is an extremely intense effect on the meridian in the case of Radix he is with the meridian at a quadrature or opposition, or in combination did not further 5 °. Trigon creates chances for recovery and to push forward and upward. In general, in all cases that transit exposes and reveals the identity of the person in a bad or good sense. Connection; unfavorable aspects. Acute and serious turns and change the "internal and external reshuffle. Changing jobs, profession, position. Irritability, agitation emotions. Dissatisfaction with himself, his activities. Sometimes violent death. Deaths, accidents, injury and damage or disease. The crisis of marriage. Favorable aspects. Favorable period to lift, push forward and upward. Joy, progress. Increasing the recognition of merit, awards.