Transit of Venus, Jupiter and its aspects
In these cases, the main influence on the world of love and marriage, in friendship, engagement, birth, marriage, the sexual impulses, etc. If both planets to each other have been good aspects in the Radix, then crossing the favorable aspects of Venus, or Venus, the constellation is created exclusively harmonic, and a good period of time, affecting well on love and marriage thing, which gives material gains, or harmonious friendship. Crossing the negative aspects of Venus, Jupiter is the desire of entertainment or a dissolute life, or wanting to spend money on entertainment, miscellaneous purchases, etc. Connection; favorable aspects. Favorable impact on the world of love and marriage, the erotic and the conception of friendship and the betrothal and marriage, on the motivation and arousal of sexual feelings. Material success, a good aspect for a "hobby" and private work, the aspect of happiness, success, growth and popularity in the science and art, happiness, love and marriage (in the male horoscope), good communication with people abroad or foreigners. In general, the range of joy and pleasure, prosperity, friendliness, helpful relationships with women, gifts, art experiences, good period for marriage, purchase of art objects and jewelry.
Venus In I the house. Engagement, wedding, the perfect time for professional activities.
In the II house. Improving the financial situation, if the boundary is in the house II
negative sign of the zodiac gifts and money from women.
V V house. Happiness in love, games, speculation.
In the VII house. Happiness in marriage, new good links.
In the VIII house. Dowry, inheritance.
In the X house. Successful period at work and in marriage.
In the XI house. New friends, acquaintances, and love.