Transit of Venus and Uranus through its aspects
New friendships, contacts, love of adventure. Transit of Venus and Uranus on its aspects influence, even if the two planets have no connection with each other in the Radix. Venus symbolizes the world of the senses, the harmony of the soul, art and everything beautiful and luxurious, as well as love and eroticism. Uranium during its transit identifies these spheres of human life. In the horoscopes of people with relevant tendencies and trends, the people who depend on the location of his same spirit and mood in people with strong so-called "lunar" horoscopes especially amplified pulses, they are going through a particularly deep love affairs and the sudden contact, they tend to entertainment and pleasure, and often for immorality. True, it will affect particularly men, although women, this transit also inclines to impulsive behavior and actions and amorous adventures. Venus with a good constellation of Radix creative people and creative work brings a great success, a brilliant outward success with the public, especially during the transit of Uranus through the trine and sextile Venus or through the constellation of Venus, if she is not damaged by the bad aspect of Uranus and other planets in Radix. During this time, they get more fame and popularity, a great public success, and even social recovery. Love affairs are striking in their suddenness and surprise. However, as themselves dating, love and proper contacts for this transit is not strong and not stable, but is characterized by its deep unrest in the world of the senses, the big excitement of the sexual sphere. During the transit of all public company common barriers that limit easily swept aside. Emotions, excitement and stimulation during this transit coming to the forefront of life. Unfavorable aspects. Propensity to drink. Emotions, emotion and excitement coming to the fore. The deep emotion in the world of feelings, great excitement sexual sphere. Hardest Uranus acts in cases where the planetary clusters are in the signs Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius. Fun and enjoyment reach debauchery. In love affairs the suddenness, the fragility, instability, impulsivity. Amorous adventures. Troubles in love and marriage due to jealousy, adultery, sexual misconduct. Disappointment. The weakening of instinctual life. Troubles in love and work. Discord in the family, divorce is possible. At best, the threat to health. It should be remembered that this period lasts for long, and all will be well again as soon as the bypass. critical days. Favorable aspects. Sudden love the intimate connection, a pleasant acquaintance, friendship and pleasant trip. Enhanced creativity and creation, is excited the world of feelings and passions, strengthens the instinctive life. The people of creative and constructive work great external success and brilliance, fame and popularity, a great public success, social growth. In this case, the transit of Uranus influences favorably for the harmonious, artistic, cultural, art-related. Sextile. This period brings a penchant for artistic activity and artistic creativity. Trigon. A very happy period, suitable for tying and marriage.