Connection; favorable aspects. Satisfaction, serenity, benevolence, good for love and marriage, engagements, weddings, family parties and celebrations (in men's horoscopes!), Good for small pleasure and artistic works, for small trips and changes to mental work, creativity and creation, for aesthetic experiences and social activities, for fantasy, dreams, for hobbies and entertainment, home and family, for love of adventure, for friendship, for learning and their favorite things to visit or take guests to the decision to implement all his plans for intensify feelings for cultural events and everyday amenities that elevate mood and mood. Unfavorable. Bad for all of the above, bad mood, failures, scandals with women, the increased propensity for pleasure. Transit of Venus across Mercury compound; favorable aspects. Tranquil mood, friendly, good days for conventions and meetings, conferences and congresses, for men of science and the arts, the professions for writers and literary workers, journalists and correspondents of the press, for the employees of the economic and trade sector, for major companies, for work together for the important agreements, signing contracts and agreements, for written works, for spiritual training and mental work, for advice and consultation, treatment and recovery center for scientific research, inventions, for occult studies, for love and marriage, engagement and weddings, for family evenings, find things searched. A small professional success, success in love, good for everything connected with the interests of the profession and work with the art world and art, with music, singing and ballet, or dancing, with fashion and cosmetics, with good taste and beauty, dedication and sacrifice ( a beloved person or cause), with harmony and cultural activities, physical education, gymnastics and sports, with the perfume and jewelry, clothes and jewelry. Heightened intuition and sensitivity, sensuality, impressionability. Flat-out feelings and mind, increases the softness and tenderness of soul, flexibility and suppleness, deeper love with a desire to sacrifice. Unfavorable aspects. Bad for all of the above. Bad mood, the unwillingness to think, bad contacts, bad visits, bad trip, bad news. Altercation with his friends, anger at work.