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Transits of Uranus

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Transits of Uranus 2
 Uranus tranzitiruya through the Ascendant, Meridian, planetary constellations, or their perspective in Radix creates a certain person during sudden turns and changes, changes, surprises, and surprises. During this period, there is no congestion. Uranus creates only spontaneous turbulence and impetuosity, short temper, impetuosity and impulsiveness. Uranium breaks down and builds again, eliminates outdated, old and makes all efforts to overcome difficulties in the new conditions of life, on a completely new basis. Transit Uranus is possible to predict with convincing precision for many years to come. Precisely and accurately place its transit through the opposition to his own place and aspects of both quadratures in Radix about 21 and 42 years of life of every person. These years were a turning point in individual development of each person periods of crises and permutations of the highest rank, who come to life with astonishing force of influence, especially when Uranus is in the constellation of angular houses Radix himself or strongly aspected by other planets. Never Uranus does not rest, stability, confidence and depression. Its principle consists of a short, slightly visible, barely perceptible, and hardly noticeable preparations and preparations of any incidents and events, which then suddenly, like lightning, flashing from the sky. Others simultaneous tranzitiruyuschie planet often develop their action only through Uranus, and the consequence is a whole chain reaction, strongly affects the duration or outcome is what is happening. The true trend of the transit already are known much later. The action of Uranus, bringing instant fracture with consecutive changes, modifications and permutations, even at the beginning makes it impossible to know in what direction will the new path in life, because Uranus moves around the celestial sphere is extremely slow. During a complete revolution, he crosses the planet or aspect of them no more than three times. The first time he makes a breakthrough in human life, the second is already happening discharge of this change, while the third transit of all events are ready and complete, and they are already swimming in a stream prescribed by the laws of space.

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