Trap for the realization of desires
When there is a desire (a strong, interesting, creative), very often it is surrounded by many obstacles in the form of limiting beliefs, for example: "I do not give ... it may have bad consequences ... it is impossible, because (and plenty of reasons why) ..." and so on. These beliefs deny us the opportunity to see the ways in which we could use to implement your wishes. And not just see something and can not be used. If, however, allow ourselves to want, then we begin to notice the opportunities, based on which one can come to the realization of his desire. And begin to use them. And then the desire is realized.
If we talk about negative experiences of the future - the fear - with them the same thing happens. If you clearly represent a bad picture, you start to notice everything around you the signs (if possible) for its implementation. Without even noticing, you're trusting these signs, go after them, creating the very situation that you're afraid. There is another trap for the realization of desires . If you desire in your head is decorated in a particular way of implementation, in the belief that the only way (so) it can be done, you deny yourself the opportunity to see other ways. And if you find that one specific way you choose, led to failure - it is experienced as a great loss and non-realization of desires. If you do, make sure that this does not work, simply find another, then desire can be realized.
Sometimes it seems that the form of realization of desires - that is the very desire. But it is not. If, for example, it seems that the love that you so need, is possible only in the form of a bouquet - Candy - Champagne - kisses in the moonlight - romantic getaway - a wedding ", then when this script is not done, there comes tragedy. But if you trust the fact that love can be a different guise, that love comes to you. If we abandon the script desire, the desire to find the most perfect shape for us. Which is realized in your life? We verify this by doing the following exercise. Make a list of important events in your life whether negative or positive event. Complete the table:
View the full list of events and findings of the unconscious reasons (dreams or fears) to which they correspond. Answer the questions and write answers in a notebook:
1.How overall impression emerging from you about your life?
2.Chego in your life implement more: dreams or fears?
3.Obychno you are more inclined to fear or dream?
4.Kak you think that, in connection with the results of this exercise, you need to change in the features of his thinking?
Now, you've probably already hard to remember how many have you had sex desires in childhood. But perhaps the most important dreams never come true. And it may be associated with the fact that dreams are real and the unreal. Real dreams - the ones that you can implement, even applying to this maximum effort, using all its resources, but they are achievable. Unrealistic dreams - this castle in the air when a person dreams about something that can never be achieved. One reason for the unreality of lies in the fact that the dream does not match the habits, way of life.
How to realize a dream?
Where is this place the line between the desired and actual? A dream without a plan to achieve it - it's just a nice dream. The dream must be translated into goals and plans for achieving them. Flight of the arrow without a target or destination does not make sense - the movement should have the direction. Without a goal, we - as the boat into the sea. It all begins with a dream and dreams. But for that dream became a goal, it must schedule a specific time. The desire is so strong that it begins to pave the road on which we can reach the intended target, is only just to ask him on track.
Thus, it is very important to understand what goals you are pursuing, trying to be an attractive man. After all, the attractiveness - it is only a means to solve any other problems. You might find that to solve some of your goals need not appeal or attractiveness of a few, and for other purposes need not just attractive, but also the ability to use it. Therefore, following the prescription of the event, you should set goals before choosing a script for their implementation. To do this, a series of exercises.