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Treat the man with respect

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Treat the man with respect!

What is it we're all about women, about women yes! But what about the strong half of humanity? Where are we without them? Can we feel fine, the only ones the most, most, if not around? Can enjoy creating a cozy family nest, culinary, comfort and peace at home, if there is no one to share them with us? Can we know the true love without a man? Definitely not. Hence, we need them? Well to be honest, we need! Why we have them then so tormented? Artistically sticking labels on them, insulted, and sometimes consider them devil incarnate. And for what? For it is only that they are men. Because we do not always understand them, because without them we badly.

Set of stereotypes about men firmly driven into our women's hapless head in early childhood. "All the men - the goats," - almost proudly repeat my aunt, neighbor, a grandmother from a nearby porch, or, God forbid, Mom. "What him worry, it's better to live one" - hard mouthed young woman still has long lost its luster in the eyes with faith in themselves. "Real men in our time can not find ..." - we hear here and there. Hmmm, in this case is nothing surprising that many divorcing couples, and the relationship does not bring happiness. It's very simple: all around because some goats, these guys do not, decent extinct, the world is heading into an abyss, the apocalypse is approaching fast. It is strange that people still believe in love, get married and decided to bear children.
What am I doing? And here's what. Solves our favorite man to marry. Wedding, honeymoon, life together slowly unfolds. People get ground to each other. Then his beloved little wife became pregnant, there is a long-awaited firstborn. And this is where the fun begins. A man realizes that everyone should. His wife, her parents and her, near and distant relatives, the state, around the world ... yes one more thing to this little inexplicable essence. Of course, the responsibilities he had before, but they could forget for a while. And now, no, no! You're a father, in the end! You must! You should! Earn money to feed his family, to engage with the child, to please his wife, to respect the wife's mother and father in law, to go to the cottage ...

Sooner or later, our hero simply can not stand. Somewhere deep inside him that something is breaking, falling apart. He begins to quietly hating wife, child, this world because ... should all of them. Bend, bending under the weight of unsustainable debt. Continuing to sink in responsibilities, he forgets that he is still right. Imagine, right! Strictly speaking, they had not canceled, just about all of them safely forgotten. The recommendation is simple: do not allow men to forget about their rights. Reminded of them, turn duties in law, it is necessary - to want to be - to have the right. Build your requests so that they get an affirmative answer. And think of the man with respect! For example:

- Wilt thou, my dear, have a rest? Then lie down next to the baby while I cook dinner ...

- I want to be hung on our kitchen shelf for spices, so I could cook you your favorite dish is much faster ...

When you want it for something to ask, remember how important it is for him, what you remember about his desires, of his rights, that you do not need, and ask, not order, and the like. Then your men will carry you in my arms just because they want to engage with the kids, because they themselves wanted to have a baby. Will earn, grow, grow, enjoy life, family, see you goddesses, because they have every right to.
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