Treat yourself from fear
When fear is much easier to help another person than yourself. However, it is possible.
1.If you think you are sick with this disease, read three times before going to bed and waking up three times:
Born on the will of God, was baptized by God's will, live with God, walk with God. Who goes to God, to the consternation not stick. My Lord be the Lord my strength. Amen.
2.Chitaetsya to descending Month three times:
As a month for leaked, and with the fear of God's servant to leaked.
Then we need to do better than three times over your left shoulder.
3.Gotovite decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, violets. Speaketh to him:
On Saturday, I'll lie down on Sunday, get up, to bless, I'll go, cross, go in God's church, light a holy candle and pray Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mother Mother of God, deliver me from the ills of adversity, sleeves with my fear, alarm, pristrek, fear, night, fear of midday, the fear of morning and evening. Refresh my heart, my soul dying, forgive my sins. Fear, fright, whence he came, there go back can not be undone. I'll close the word of God, the church seal. Printing is strong and the word of God even stronger. Amen.
Then drink a decoction of three tablespoons three times a day.
4.Chitaete above the water three times:
At sea Utitsa bathed, splashed white swan. Water from the top, bottom water, water down, fear in the ground. Water from the top, bottom water, water down, damage to the land. Water from the top, bottom water, water down, dashing into the ground. Dashing away, the good comes, the damage is cleaned, the health returns. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
5.Vy should take a piece of bread, and led them over the head in a clockwise direction, saying:
Bread Kachu-kata, a servant of God (name) drove trouble. Roll out, entice, vyganivayu all fears pristreki, lessons, evil eye, priglazy, envious of the insincere praise, anger secret. Famously kicked out of the pens of the legs, from the little head, jaws out of the veins of the veins of white curls of bright eyes. Fear, fright, depart! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Read three times and then feed it bread (and this should make you) a dog or bird. Cure for three days.