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Treatment of holy water

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Treatment of holy water

Holy water - the most powerful medicine. It can help with any ailment, so the disease is strongly recommended to take the holy water. Drink it to fasting for three sips, and then stick a piece of communion bread. Before that, read a prayer to take communion bread and holy water.

Prayer for the adoption of holy bread and holy water

O Lord my God, let him be your gift at Your holy and sacred water for the remission of my sins, in the education of my mind, the strengthening of the soul and body mine, in the health of my body and soul, to conquer my passions and infirmities, engraved on the mercy of Thy most pure prayers Thy Mother and all Thy Saints. Amen.

In the flare-up holy water must be taken every hour you read this prayer. In addition, morning and evening after taking the holy water is necessary to read the prayer of the Mother of God "Healer".

Prayer of the Mother of God "Healer"

Accept, O Vseblagoslovennaya and Omnipotence Lady Lady Virgin Theotokos, And this prayer, with tears you prinosimyya of us unworthy of Thy servants, Thy tselbonosnomu way to sing do we ascribe to emotion, Thou thy own zde sheer and who heard our supplications. By koemuzhdo more petition pursuant tvorishi, grief oblegchaeshi, frail health bestow, and razslablennyya neduzhnyya istselyaeshi from rage demons progonyaeshi, obidimyya from troubles redeem prokazhennyya ochischaeshi and small children milueshi: still the same, Lady Sovereign Lady the Mother of God, from the bondage and dungeons svobozhdaeshi and every mnogorazlichnyya passion vrachueshi: all are more possible to request Your your Son, Christ our God. On Mother All-Glorified, Most Holy Mother of God! Not ceases to pray for us, Thy unworthy rabeh praising Thee, and worship of Thee, and those who worship with adoration to Thy Most Pure image, and the hope of possessing transient and faith nesumnennu to Thee, Glorious and the Virgin of the Immaculate, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
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