Treatment of the moral disease
Already achieved some success in the treatment of bodily diseases, much less certainty to the treatment of mental and virtually nothing can be said about the ethical treatment of disease - because they were not yet treated. The first step that needs to be done now - to realize the need for treatment, and not a substitute for treatment of punishment - where possible. Now there is a fairly large group of methods for correcting behavior. For example, biofeedback. Man show on the screen of his own alpha or theta waves (electrical fluctuations that occur in the brain) and teach him to influence these fluctuations. By feedback, ie, due to the fact that he instantly sees the results of your efforts, people can learn to control their attention, mood or even to learn to manage themselves in stressful situations.
Other techniques are electrical and chemical therapy: the man gets an easy shock whenever it behaves correctly. Gradually the misbehavior ceases to attract. Either he is experiencing discomfort such as nausea or dizziness when doing something wrong, such as drinking alcohol. More effective techniques such as brainwashing or surgery, most of them are themselves immoral, while yielding results. Brainwashing is that the pre-human psyche is brought to the verge of collapse, to the state when it begins to break down, and then restore it in a different form. The first part of this procedure is usually very painful, it might be prolonged sleep deprivation, causing unbearable pain, the drug shock and so on.

The most humane in this regard is the complete sensory isolation: human contain such terms and conditions when it senses receive the minimum amount of information that leads to hallucinations and other mental disorders. In this state, any extraneous information will be perceived as good and easy to digest. Brainwashing is widely used in the second guilty of the twentieth century in political prisons and nekotororyh religious sects. Mandatory element of this method was deprivation of the individual psychological support, pulling it out of their familiar environment. About ancient and brutal methods becoming a free man in a good servant, wrote to Chingiz Aitmatov. In Asia, the prisoner wore on his forehead a fresh strip of skin from the neck of a camel - and left him for a few days under the scorching sun. Skin gradually dried and shrank, bringing man unspeakable torture.
The vast majority of prisoners are not kept such a procedure and died. But the rest lost their memory and connection with their past and then became obedient slaves to the new master. Such a slave was incapable of betrayal or escape, so it is very appreciated. Perhaps in ancient times, there are many methods of brainwashing. In addition to all of the above, there is simply a huge amount of psychotherapeutic theories and techniques, each of which is based on their own principles, and each gives a certain, not very reliable results. These techniques so much that is simply not enough space to name them.
But the methods that exist to this day, this treatment of bodily or mental illness. Problem of moral treatment of disease has not yet been performed. And why has not worked out the necessary measures and methods. Requires new approaches, rather than a mechanical transfer to a new domain representations of psychiatry. Treat the moral failure of sensory isolation or electric shock as hard and wrong, how to cure madness bloodletting. Need a new group of methods. Absolutely not what has been described, for example, in the famous novel "The Mechanical Orange": using the techniques of behavior management offender is brought to a state where he can not commit crimes - every time you try it gets bad. "Cure" so that it released. But the disease is not cured - only blocked her symptoms. Currently cure would be to make the criminal a decent, honest, compassionate, following the dictates of conscience. And only in this case it can be considered mentally healthy.