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Treatment voodoo baths

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Treatment voodoo baths

In Old Russia in the baths was carried out various health procedures act to sexual function remains constant, because the ancient Slavs had developed a cult of fertility and love of the Gods. In Kupala Night wife copulated in his field, and the man tricked the seed on the ground, which is then seeded. It was kind of a love offering to the field gave birth to all abundant, providing a good harvest. Treatment of voodoo baths - a great opportunity to regain health and happiness with the help of the Russian baths, occupies an important place in the Slavic cult of purity. When our ancestors began to build a new house, the first thing they got on a bath, because without it the Russian people could not conceive of life, and lived there until the building was going home. Bath was a temple of health and happiness, the Temple of a person's birth, because in the Russian sauna Our pramamushki bear children. First bath for the newborn were held on the ninth day, and if the baby was painful - for the third. Bani took the people in this world, baths, and released the same people in this world, because in the last path Slav left after steaming in Russian sacred bath. Saunas help get rid of any trash, whether it be corporeal or spiritual. The bath was removed and shot damage, not only with one person, but also entire families, removed curses, discharged a failure. Bath - the wonderful world of fairy tales of fire, water, earth, air, it's - Temple, where all four elements are merged, making a person the fifth element - the Divine.
What kind of grass used the Russian people in the baths? Diverse and abundant. Very popular was vyminanie fern, when it was used as a sponge. In ferns laid firming biological program, which allowed him to survive the ice ages, and that this program increases libido in sexual disorders, so fern is best used as prophylaxis to prevent them. On how to make fern wool, I've already told him. I want to clarify that the fern is best to cut or at the dawn of the morning or at noon, when the leaves slightly wilted and have left excessive moisture. Still zorevoy fern is running much stronger.

Rusichi used the forget-me-to "rejuvenate" the sexual function and increase sexual power, as well as to strengthen the body. Forget-me-collected, vyminali so she gave the juice and this juice with the herbal cakes made hard and deep body massage. Especially carefully prominalas genital area, and the pair all the juice soaks into the body. Particularly intense soaking substances, which increase the libido. Use this recipe when me-nots are blooming. After the massage, not washing the greens, you need vklepat her broom in the body, and - best quality otpartes broom. Drunk in the bath slightly digested drinks from grass and red ash. Wheatgrass, I remind everyone once again - a weed, which unsuccessfully fought all vacationers. Do not throw away the roots of wheat grass, blow, thou shalt in powder, boil one teaspoon in a glass of boiled water, and sexual power will increase significantly.

After these baths, of course, it was necessary to thoroughly wash the genitals. Slavs came up with a wonderful option, spraying a decoction of St. John's wort and camomile. The fact that Daisy has a bactericidal effect, known to all. But St. John's wort, and to this very few people know, the only plant that contains a plant antibiotic. And although the people he is not bad, by contrast, used as a medicine (drugs "Imanin" and "Novoimanin"), in animals, hence the name, it acts as a very potent agent, an overdose of which causes the death of the animal. Based on these recipes, we understand that our ancestors were powerful in their sexual power and, most importantly, they were healthy and clean. The bath also used a poultice of marigold and stinging nettle. Thoroughly crushed fresh marigolds and nettles in equal numbers were mixed, and steamed green mush body superimposed on the back, abdomen and spine, which enhance sexual desire. In going after the bath was added finely powdered fenugreek with the addition of pine nuts and honey, and such dishes significantly increase sexual power.

Love Bath

To love a bath to be prepared The Love broth.

For usladnogo pair are taken in equal parts:

- The root of wheat grass.

- Grass lungwort.

- The flowers of cornflower.

- Hop cones.

- Repyashok.

Infusion is well filtered and amenable to the heater. Steaming in the family bath is soft brooms, in this case - the oak because oak gives endurance and the night after the bath you will need stamina. Oak twigs pre-soaked in a sweet honey water to the oak leaves took on a honey "essence". It is so gentle honey bunches is steaming with braces. The most important thing in bathhouses family - steamed causal space. It's just something that people never do, as if this part of the body taboo. But it gives us bodily happiness, family comfort. Steaming causal places, secret places, they said the ancestors, is as follows: first, hot sticks, and after a soft brooms pohlestyvaniya necessarily cool, cold and brooms. Thus, we can provide all sorts of contrasting tide currents to specific divisions of the body, which then will thank us in the night. By night's meeting should make the next drink.

The Love Potion recipe for a night of "merging"

Take a small amount of parsley, celery root, bergamot, rose petals, orchid root, and feverweed repyashka. Boil down fifteen minutes in a water bath, let it brew in a thermos, add honey and a little hop for easy digestion and survive in an open pan (the bank tie cheesecloth) in a warm place. After a while you get a slightly fizzy soda, not too drunk, but giving a cheerful playful mood thoughts and pleasant sensual attraction to each other, because this night should be a favorite or favorites. Herbs of the above should not be replaced, take it that you can get, because not for nothing to enhance the potency is often given as an effective means simply extract celery root.

Vedovskie bath aimed at preserving the spiritual relationship between nearby - high love, which is called the heart. Even if you do not go to the bath, try to maintain relations on a higher level than in normal days. If your partner (partner) relationship exaltation above the norm and becomes negative, you need to use fir broom, and as Napara for vklepyvaniya use angelica, spurge, thistle, adonis. If your mutual feelings thinned and they must step up, use hot napar of sprouted wheat, combined with the corn silk. On the stove - a decoction of wormwood, pine, geranium meadow.
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