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Trial marriage

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Trial marriage

When the two meet, they almost know nothing about each other. The first source of information - it looks, and many people choose a mate just in appearance. But this, strangely enough, not so frequent. Because the appeal, and even sex appeal often do not depend on height, weight and other parameters. Have a voice, nature, hobbies, harmful and useful habits ... For friendly relations seem to be enough, and for the intimate attraction too. And if things become more serious if he and she talked about starting a family, then the question arises about their so-called family compatibility.

This is a tricky thing, as opposed to sexual compatibility, you can still somehow predict. Family harmony is very difficult to predict. How do I know whether the couple live together when they met, holidays turn into a daily routine (of course if they do not plan to immediately disperse). There is at least three ways.

The first way. To be tested for compatibility in the personal office of a psychologist. This diagnosis, in contrast to the two following, will take anywhere from half to three to five hours. And if the "marriage unbearable, you can take advantage of (in general, to pass such a personal investigation would not prevent all future spouses). Still, testing even the most advanced, does not cover all models of your behavior in different situations. That is, tests can only give an approximate result, and if the standard answers to the tests gave a computer, the results may generally not be very reliable.
The second path. Go together (and only two of us) in any journey. And the more extreme situations will be on this journey - the better. A tourist staying at a five star hotel you will certainly get a lot of pleasure and maybe even make sure their sexual compatibility - but not home. Because in such circumstances, you will not learn, can see if your future spouse to experience difficulties, whether it comes at the right moment to your aid. If traveling to the country or, say, a provincial pension "Osinka will be (and it will!) Is full of problems (namely domestic and non-hazardous to life), you have a chance to test those around you - a whiner or a stoic, or razzyava resourceful people. But at the same time and check yourself.

The way the third. And the most reliable - trial marriage . This is a real test of family life in the most that neither is on the natural environment: life, food gathering, daily communication and so on. (For the purity of the experiment is recommended if you plan to live separately from their parents at the time of trial marriage as to abandon their support - both household and material.) Yes, this way is long: rasprobovat to how the person is suitable for family life, we must to the marriage at least six months. And for the majority of trial marriage means test is sexual compatibility. But the idea of a trial marriage is not in this - you need to check yourself for compatibility household and psychological, rather than intimate! A sexual harmony - believe me! - Come with time, if you're out of bed, understand each other, communicate and live with gusto. Will you have an understanding at the level of the head - will and understanding in bed.

But not vice versa. Therefore, if one partner refuses to probe the marriage only because he did not want to lose her virginity or not at all ready to start an intimate life with this man - there is a compromise. At the time of trial marriage, you are not forced to live a sexual life! (If your partner has stubbornly insisted that without sex and to try something, it is not worth venturing to talk to him about marriage.) If your favorite or favorite respects your point of view - hence, a test for a life together and mutual understanding have already been successfully launched.

But in this ointment is still a few spoonfuls of tar. Such an alliance, as it were not infringe the freedom of a draw (although it assumes that the two still will feel at least a minimal duty to one another). But the notorious freedom may eventually develop into a "freedom to drop everything": that soon all the same cost! As soon as at least one of the participants there were such ideas - the experiment is completed, and the family did not work. It's okay! More frightening - if the relationship "test of marriage" eventually evolve into an unregistered marriage. That is, live it, and it together, but to register their union is not in a hurry. Did not gain the courage to recognize that the family they have in the end we got (or failed). Yet such relationships are afraid to hang the opponents (and more often opponents) trial marriage.

Trial marriage , as a rule, after all this ends with marriage. But 90% of cases - with another partner. Do not rush to be amazed! Often on a trial marriage decides to young people, they sometimes do not even important to determine compatibility with a particular partner, and to examine ourselves to family life: if I can? And making sure that the devil is not so bad as he is painted, people can easily enter into marriage ... with another or others. The situation has affected the desire of the young "to a draft of life": they try their hand at 'unreal' marriage, there are stuffed cones and only then begin the "real" family life with a clean slate. And the partner for this must be different.

And with a new partner likely new stupid crap, and what - again, all over again? To agree to a trial marriage in principle or not - of course, ultimately decide each independently weighing the pros and cons of it in his situation. However, there are some general recommendations. If we advance all the possible roughness of the experimental results it can give excellent. Therefore, most often worth it.

First. If you decide that your marriage will be a place trial and intimate relationships - Provide a guaranteed birth control! As soon as a child - married there and then automatically cease to be a trial. And for fans of "try" only an intimate relationship without imposing any liability in our Family Code has no concept of "trial marriage" - is the concept of "sharing economy". And such cohabitation is not exempt from the payment of alimony.

Second. If you decide to live in a mock marriage, necessarily uslovtes, how much will this marriage last. This is to ensure that your relationship is not "stuck". And in the end you specified period, you must take one of two solutions: either your marriage is registered, or if such a desire you do not feel, you feel that the experiment failed and separate. No middle ground. That is why it is important to identify a sufficient period of your "test on home compatibility, so you have time to understand all the nuances of married life.

Third. Do not tune into a positive result at any price. If you determine that you will not be able to live harmoniously as one family, have the courage to leave quietly. And do not think that it is not capable of family life in general. It may well be that the other person you'll be the happiest husband in the world - especially if you can take advantage of acquired experience. Thus, trial marriage, if you approach it correctly, is a pretty good rehearsal for a future family life. At least those people who lived in trial marriages, and far below the divorce rate "due to the dissimilarity of characters". Of course, any good idea can be distorted. Therefore, what not to do exactly, so this applies to the SAMPLE marriage with ease and turn it into an attempt to play "family. Remember that this is a trial though, but still married, then this method of peer review will bring you real good!
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