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True politeness

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True politeness

We call the polite people who respect the others, which are fairly considerate in society and possess the basic rules of etiquette. Politeness is highly manifested in the form of appeasement or servility. People lacking tact and respect for others, we call rude and Hammami. There is a perception that civility - this is not a property of a person's character, and the bar is based on knowledge of the rules of etiquette. True politeness - a quality of mind, based on respect for the interlocutor, on a conscious desire to please others. Banal greeting formula may sound differently: for example, polite people do not just say hello, and still smile when they met, in front of you whiny people always say what a compliment, and will pester with questions about life. Barker can also say hello, but his "hello" will sound very hard and give the impression that he was not pleased to meet you.

With the dismissive and rude people quite unpleasant to deal with. But sometimes we have to communicate with them. In a conversation with such people should not use their method and to respond to rudeness rudeness. It is best to declare openly to your friend that you're not going to listen to his rudeness and we intend to terminate the conversation. We advise you to do it immediately, if your warning will not work. In no case should not tolerate insults to their address. Stay calm and simply leave your angry conversation. Such people are usually quiet around most annoying. Do not get hysterical, do not cry and do not quarrel - just declare that he ham and you do not intend to continue with more dialogue.
People, ingratiating and seeking to please you, do not just want you to like it, they pursue their own selfish purposes - they tend to possess your confidence, hoping that you fall under their influence. Very often these people are tiring, they are too "sugary" look after: always open to you door, and passed forward (regardless of your gender), all agree with you and never perechat, if you let them, they would blow away with the you are dust. In dealing with these saints should be apparent stiffness and, in some cases rude. You must make it clear that it needs no such "courtship". Their behavior, you must show that excessive attention to your person too.
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