Trusting your problem psychologist
Unfortunately, our country has not yet taken root culture of visiting a psychologist. But in vain. You do not think for themselves shameful treatment by a dentist. So, a psychologist at the exact same doctor, only for the soul ... Of course, most Russian girls have been educated in the belief that they were "galloping horse stopped," and "enter into a burning house." And even more so ourselves sorted out their problems! And yet how much time could be saved by timely appealed to the professional. "Most Russian do not understand the difference between self-satisfaction and self-sufficiency, - said my friend Yuri therapist. - Squirt his pride can not ask for help. I can do everything myself, I do without you - here's his home life setting. Meanwhile, self-sufficient man is not afraid to ask for help, he does not consider it a manifestation of weakness. On the contrary, the ability to recognize their problems and solve them, even with the help of another person - a sign of strength. "
You're not ashamed to ask for advice from a lawyer. You do not think you are stupid and inferior simply because you do not know the laws and other legal niceties. You just trust everything that is bothering you, a professional - he knows better what to do and why. So it is here. entrust the problems of psychology " is now fairly easy to find a psychologist or therapist. Of course, it is better if you go do not "blindly", and on the recommendation of friends. Psychology Today, in the literal sense of the word can work wonders. It does not matter what method of working professionals, whether it be classical psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy, Erickson's hypnosis, etc.

Psychologists' It is called "barbers souls." I'm on my experience convinced how effective can require professional intervention. Coming as a time to the reception of curiosity, I for one session get rid of complexes, fears that tormented me almost from the first class. I myself tried to deal with it at least ten years. Just think - ten years of experience! And it all could be solved so easily and quickly! So, before you snort contemptuously and say "I am myself!", Think, and whether to spend precious time on the stubbornness?
And one more subtle point. If you already decided to entrusting your peace of mind of a professional, try to relax and trust him. How could he - a specialist and knows better how to help you. And if you begin to make statements like: "Doctor, do not treat me hypnotized, treat me with electric shock, you're either going to look to innocent as a child, my mother stating that the mustard he likes more than aspirin. Either inadvertently invent their therapeutic technique ... In a word, not capricious and not be embarrassed to ask for help.