Try your hand at creative work!
If you have a voice and ear, why do not you learn to sing? We do not encourage you to go to study at the conservatory, in the end is not in the Great are you going to speak, but know the basic principles of vocal performance and exercises to work on his vocals is available to everyone. You may ask: "How can it help to find work?" Explains. First of all, you will be able to use their talents not only for the delight of listeners, but also for their own benefit. Everyone knows that to succeed in singing Olympus in our time does not necessarily have an undeniable talent, so that your abilities will be enough in order to replenish the ranks of the many singers. However, there is a difficult condition: you have to find a sponsor who would help you "unwind".
Of course, it's not so easy, and if you did not manage to find a good uncle or aunt, who would believe in your talent, then you should not despair. Because now the terms of your communication is wide enough, and you can take advantage of new acquaintances to find work in another field not related to show business. In a word, talk, look for yourself in different areas, find new hobbies and ways to spend your free time, and it helps you. Try your creativity ! There is another very interesting way of earning. Your work may be useful for creative people - artists. These people need the sitter in order to make them on his canvases, make drawings, sketches and drawings of human faces and figures. It happens that artists engaged in commercial painting, sometimes they do exceptionally for themselves, because artistic creation is the meaning of their lives. But in any case they needed people who could have them pose for the entire creative process. And they can hire such people.

If you own a good brushing, then why do not you try yourself as an artist or designer? How many festivals, events, presentations, and little if any more events going on every now and then. And the New Year, and March 8 is celebrated as a rule, in all schools, high schools and kindergartens. So why do not you do decoration of such events? To do this you need to advertise that you will help in conducting the holidays, will take decoration. To decorate the hall, where there will be a celebration, we need posters, drawings, inscriptions. So try to make such posters, signs for the holiday. Without work, you just will not stay, the more activities that will be enough. You are invited on the calendar of holidays and special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings.
And what about that really make money on weddings alone generally can not speak. Take, for example, for holding weddings. Always need someone who will think about how many invitations have to buy a room to rent, how to be a part of entertainment that all products purchased. This, of course, may do parents of the bride or groom, but as a rule, the time for all of them are simply not enough. And then they open the newspaper and see where your ad stating what you are doing weddings, and even for a small sum, which, naturally, their joy. They rush to the phone, and you get a chance to work. It's not so hard, plan your own, it is required to wait from the day the bride and groom, their parents, how many people will come, in short, engage in organizational issues, including cultural-mass part. Find someone who will lead this same wedding, ie prepare greetings, songs, poems, games - everything that will entertain the guests. Arrange everything, but because it will get the money. Weddings happen often enough so that without the work you will not be.
And why do not you try their opportunities in the following way to earn some money: you can do needlework, ie manufacture of any goods for sale. It all depends on your skills and imagination. It can be ornaments of beads and other materials, soft toys, souvenirs, household items - pillows, mats, napkins, etc. You can give the maximum vent to your imagination and your opportunities are almost limitless, your new ideas and inventions will not be the limit! And how many people you can please their products! There are shops that can make things for sale. In parallel, you can find buyers through dating, personal contacts and private ads. If you do not have experience in this type of activity, buy books on needlework, read, and after some time you already can safely get down to business. Your opportunities are increasing, if you know how fast to sew and knit. In this case, you can make stuff to order. This concerns not only clothes but also other things, because almost every home are needed tablecloths, tapestries, rugs, mats, blankets, furniture covers, etc.
Why do not you try yourself in art? This will not only bring vamudovolstvie, but could be a way of making money, since you can create your works for sale. If you do not have arts education, do not worry, read the literature of applied arts, art magazines. The main thing that you have a bmi fantasy, imagination and willingness to work. Portrait from life - the work is complex and requires certain skills and, of course, deal with it not everyone can, but to portray animals, plants, creating abstract work, or draw a still life, landscape - a task that might well be your strength. Try it and you'll see how it's interesting, and certainly there will be many people who want to buy your work and pay a lot of money, since the work of some author.
If you have accumulated sufficient experience in any industry, then do not worry, you will have time to write the work, which would have reflected your "secular" experience. Now comes a lot of books that supposedly fairly describes the different spheres of activity, but not all of them written by really knowledgeable people. Who else if not you write such a book. We can assure you if the book will be limiting and written in good style, it will be just like hot cakes. Individual chapters of the book, you can send to newspapers, magazines, associated with a particular branch of production. If at first your work is not appreciated in some publishing houses, then later there are others who will be happy to print it. The main thing - do not lose patience and faith, and you will succeed.