Twelfth house moon
Maybe you think you're moody and dark, when the Moon passes through this field, your horoscope, or over you can hang over an evil fate. All this, of course, can happen if you have this tendency. But the best use of this provision is that you preempt your inner strength and will come into contact with your subconscious.
When the parameter of your daily consciousness (in the progression of the Moon) passes through this deep, hidden house, the house of subjective properties, you may enter into close contact with your deepest parts of the personality. This may be a bit scary for someone who does not want to be successful in this area of his nature. But for those who want to delve deep into his psyche, is the passage of the moon and the aspects that it produces give the best chance for self-development.

Roman Polanski, when he was nine years old, was in the gas chambers in Poland during the Second World War. His progressive moon at this time was in the twelfth house. Perhaps he was protected by a positive aspect of his progressive moon, which forms a trine with the natal Moon and Pluto. Twenty-seven years later, when the moon is closer to a progressive top twelfth house, his wife Sharon Tate was murdered by a gang of Manson. Positive quality of this lunar position can be covered by creativity, vegetative state, and idealistic tendencies.