Two kinds of love
There are two kinds of love : love of physical or sexual, of sexual attraction, and any other, in principle, implying sex. For example: love misers of money, love of parents to children, the love of the places where his childhood love, the master to his cause, the love of a particular song or movie that you want to watch over and over again (or singing a song), a love of animals and plants - at least for a beloved cactus on the windowsill, so want to see it soon grew. The second kind of love, let's call spiritual love.
The first rule:
Spiritual love we love, what put our hearts.
1. It is necessary to ask for small favors and the person who helped you
(Required from the soul, not required) - for example, pointed the way - immediately begins to relate better to you. He may even take you and now you're not quite indifferent to him, he gave you some of my experience, a part of yourself, let a tiny part - but that so far he fell in love with you.
2. Tom Sawyer came up with a great way to get other boys to paint the fence for him: he pretended that he likes, and then the other, sobezyannichav it treated the matter with the soul. And then they really liked it.
3. Parents usually love children more than children of parents. Just very hard to raise a child without putting the soul - and thus do not fall for it.
4. Easier to love the person who suffers. Easier to love someone who needs our help - especially after his help on their own initiative - that is, putting the soul.
5. Curmudgeon, vital purpose was to save a million, finally gets her way. But now it turns out that he loves her a million, that can not spend it. He has put the soul into that wealth and now agrees rather starve nephews than to destroy the object of his love. A nephew who will get the same million inheritance, it is easy to squander it, because he did not put their hearts into this money and they are just tools for him.
6. One woman started a city of pigs. She held them straight into the apartment and waited until they grow up. She fed them, washed, nursed, took me for a walk. She put soul into this business. The pigs were to understand it, to respond to the names were to wake her in the morning. Of course, she fell in love with these cute animals and could not keep them out of meat.
7. In the practice of psychotherapy is a common risk: a patient can fall in love with a doctor of the opposite sex, which is constantly telling his thoughts, opinions, talks about the secret, conveys what for him is valuable: the memories, beliefs, habits, way of thinking, worldview and moral values. That is, put our hearts.
8. Leo Tolstoy said that it is easy to give a small coin to a beggar, if a little talk with him, then you need to give more, but if you talk on the souls, then give any money is simply shameful. Begins a completely different attitude towards this man.
9. Pursuing the same thing - what you like, even painting the window sills - you can treat it formally, then the worker skill hardly improved, and the case would be unpleasant and disgusting. If the same applies to the work of the soul, any skills, even the most mundane, will evolve to the level of skill, and work will enjoy more and more. Any good artist in love with his job - because he does it better than others.
The second rule:
Spiritual love we love what we are, in principle, can put the soul.
1. Men are more like the weak girls, such that you can help, not those which in all cases except one, go without male assistance. Women's weakness is stronger than female power.
2. It often occurs mate love - love in response to love: because that person who loves us open to our influence, we can "sculpt" him in his own image - that's why we are also starting to love him.
3. Possible love at first sight. It may be, of course, simply sexual impulse, but it is usually easy to distinguish from that. In this first glance is no hint of sex - but there is a hint at the possibility of mutual dissolution of showers. Who knows - he confirmed.
4. Pushkin: "She waited for - somebody." If you long time no one to open the soul, it's easy to fall into the first. That is why it happens: the love of evil - the calm.
5. At an early age, and even distributed paired group of love: love semiklassnitsa tells her friend what imyarek good, sensitive and understanding, and a girlfriend, too, falls in love.
6. Scientist, bored collecting material for another article (Article as dry as old skeleton Taranaki), suddenly faces a new method that allows full use of its intellectual potential - "give everything" in this work. And then he begins to work with love, and the result is very interesting, but not quite what the administration wanted to institute. He is asked to shorten the article - it is, it usually such a quiet boy, violently standing up for their product.
7. Inspiration - the feeling that right now you can express yourself just on paper, canvas or in a public speech. At the moment of inspiration you love what you do. If it's inspiration, it is easy not to sleep through the night - just as in an ecstasy of physical, sexual love.
8. Very few writers can write "the table", that is, confident that no one would print them. And if they write a little and only in rare moments of inspiration. But unless they provide an opportunity to publish, that is, to put themselves and their views on the thousands of other people's minds and umishek - as new works will flow stream.
But the fact that we invest, does not dissolve in the air, and necessarily fixed at someone whether something. Sometimes it is fixed, even against our will. Therefore, children begin to resemble their parents, even in those character traits that parents did not try to pass them. The dog becomes over time so like his master, that you can immediately tell whose it is. In S. Loginova has a story, "Self-Portrait," whose main character, a retiree with a nasty character, but thinks he is perfect, writes a completely accurate portrait, using more precise instruments, even down to the spectroscope. He was fond of business. As a result, future generations recognized the painting a masterpiece and called it "old liar."
"To put the soul" means to transfer to other person (or following through on things) the best of what you have - that is, some ideas. Spiritual love - a means of transferring spiritual achievement, as well as corporeal - MEANS OF GENETIC TRANSFER OF ACHIEVEMENTS. Love the bodily need for reproduction bodies. Spiritual - for reproduction of ideas. But not all ideas, but only the ideas of good or those who we perceive as such. HEALTHY IDEAS. If we sincerely make someone crap we do not fall in love with this man, but rather become worse for him to treat. Hence originated the chain reactions of good and evil. Cause a person to an evil worse start to treat him, and once treated worse then it is easy doest additional evil and are now classified as worse. And so on ad infinitum.
On the other hand, doing good, you begin to better treat the person, and therefore do more good. And so on ad infinitum. If these two trends are not operated at the same time, humanity would gradually split into angels and devils. In fact, we are constantly causes and good and evil are one and the same people, so our attitude towards them varies, fluctuates: I now love her, but five minutes later, just ready to strangle. People quarrel, make peace, angry, forgiving - and so on to infinity. In a sense, this beauty of life.
Welcome to a very tenacious in the world, while evil is usually more profitable, at least, the evil is of great benefit BRIEF. We are pleased to help the suffering, it is nice to give good advice, it is nice to share their experiences, because we like to love the people and the world around us - in fact nothing better than love in the world does not and can not be. And love can only then, and only those who pass the best part of yourself - if you pass it the worst, to convey what you do not love even myself, do not you love it in another. Destroyers - unhappy. A man angry and loveless - a little man, because anything good he did not.