Types of damage
There are so many different kinds of spoilage.
One of these varieties - the funeral and the sealing of the church. Sometimes your enemies will raise your candles for the dead. Not for nothing because now in the church without a death certificate will not read the burial of a deceased person. If a living person shall be delivered unto the earth, ie, otpoyut as the deceased, the person starts to wither, the body of his grave is cold. And if it does not help in time, the fatal outcome is assured.
Three times in the church prayer book about your health, especially good if the church with three domes. If you can guess who you are "done", put a candle for his health before the icon of the Mother of God.
When do damage, it is always accompanied by a suction power of the soul of the victim. As a result, the person starts to hurt. Even the ancient saying: "Treat for the soul, the body will be healthy." So I restore the energy in the human soul.
Unfortunately, for our medicine the patient is mentally and emotionally - it's the same concept. And in psychiatric institutions, we treat the body and not soul.
When a witch or sorcerer with the help of special invocations are driving your spirit in another person, the latter begins to wither and dry, and a sorcerer - flourishes on the eyes. But always in the treatment, I put three conditions: fasting, prayer and church attendance.
It happens that the damage leads a rival, that is, woman, who met her future husband. And very sorry for that woman, because it takes a terrible sin, engaging in witchcraft, depriving the happiness of others.
There is also this kind of damage, as damage to the phone: the bell rings, you take the tube, and then - silence. If this happens, crisscross phone and hang up.
Sometimes, people come to me, of which the voice of the dead witch or sorcerer. This happens because a witch or sorcerer drove its spirit into man, and themselves died. Their body to the cemetery, my soul in hell, and spirit - in a man. To pull the spirit of the deceased patient should be in the grave witch or warlock to drive an aspen stake. About it, maybe you once read.
It happens that you have a neighbor, a witch or someone close to you will turn to the witch. After all, for they just need people to do bad things. Devil praises them for it.
The tradition of our people - these are the lessons, how to act in a particular case. Before the revolution in Russia there was such a custom. When the whole family gathered around the table, before eating all read three times the Our Father and three times was christened his mouth and eat. After all, often do damage to food or drink. In the event that they damage, the person choke and damage will not get to it. This prevents cross.
Now is especially effective this kind of damage, as damage on TV, because receive damage just a lot of people. Sitting in front of TV, people with high-frequency generator, which influences the subconscious mind, get some kind of program behavior.
To guard against this, you should watch TV from a distance of not less than three meters. Put on the TV church cross.
There is also a way of targeting corruption - using scents.
Suddenly you felt a sharp smell, immediately put on a heated pan consecrated salt and read a prayer over it (preferably from spoiling).
Room for plants - is also a form of corruption. If you're in your backyard or garden saw as it were twisted in a knot plants, then do not touch their hands. Go around them three times clockwise, three times crisscross, sprinkle holy water and sprinkle with salt, then carefully cut away, trying not to touch your hands, bring in the territory of its plot and burn with a prayer, being careful not to fall under the smoke. Read the "Our Father" and say: "Your work - yes you in the body."
It happens that in front of your windows are visible, such twist on trees, shrubs, are twisted hair, thread, cloth, etc. Proceed in this case as well. Signs of the crease - a sense of fear, constant scandals, frequent illness ... climb pillows and duvets. Anything you find in them (and this may be the feathers, bones, soil, seeds, needles - mostly related threads in the form of wreaths, it is also a hall), burn with a prayer outside the home, but try not to get under the smoke burned.
If you feel uncomfortable in the house, carefully check all the angles. You can find the land, and needles and other debris. All found and removed from the house and burn it with prayer.
It happens that induce damage through letters. If you have noticed that getting a letter from a certain destination, you feel unimportant in the family scandals occur or some event, then received another letter from that destination, burn it, not opening with prayer. By doing this you will save yourself and family from harm.
Often induce damage to things. In the women's team often women ask each other to try a thing or popolzovavshis perfume and lipstick. Politely refuse them. Firstly, it is unhygienic, and secondly, for you can bring damage.
And sometimes that strangers ask you drink water. Do not give in any case drink from their family mugs, because the family can begin scandals. Give drink from cans or cups, which you do not use. This does not mean that all asylum want you to do damage, but better still poosterechsya.
It happens that you offer water to drink. Be careful in such cases. Crisscross mouth three times before accepting "hospitality".
Very often, many, creating a family pricharovyvayut their elected and chosen ones. In the course of going to the gallows ropes, sweat, menstrual blood ... Over time, these marriages fail. And very often in such families, children born with mental disorders.
Most often, the glass chosen one woman added menstrual blood, while reading a special spell. A man with fever, starts vomiting.
Remember that pricharovyvanie or prisushka - a very great sin. And you do not bring happiness. But the answer for this need.
Often the people strange things happen. They are sick, they are persecuted failures, their covers inexplicable fear.
Spoilage can wait for you where you do not even think to get it. Most often, it lead us to the crossroads. Do not lift anything outdoors, especially at intersections. Otherwise zaneset yourself trouble in the house. Many a thing is transferred to you with their illness and trouble.
Nagovorennye come across things in the rooms. Sometimes this "forgotten" by someone notebook, pen, pencil, hat in the locker room, bank notes, or just garbage.
It happens, and this kind of damage, when at night the women come and unclean living with sexual life. Typically, this damage makes envy a woman on the other. Woman after such meetings, "begins to melt like a candle.
To avoid this, sleeping with a cross, the four corners of the bed, place the pieces of incense in the room hang the icon and before bedtime light the lamp.
It happens that a man give us any entity that does not give him no peace. Such people are often referred to as demoniac. Man falls apart, does not know what to do, does not understand what was happening to him. And only turn to God, begins to recover one's sight:
"... I'm quite desperate, do not have the forces to live. The fact that I'm sure it's because I was sitting some intelligent being. I hear his voice. Male voice, brash, sarcastic. Constantly hear his remarks, or simply mate. To convey what I hear, the language does not turn, so it's ugly.
But even worse are the actions that I allegedly committed. I always see it, I'm someone to push, beat, rezhu. Sometimes it's small children, animals, people I love and feel sorry (never happens in relation to the evil people). But mostly it's my daughter. If she carries a cup of boiling water, I see that I push it and it pours, and if she bends over, then push with her foot, etc. Comes to the fact that I thrust into her knife, stab pins.
It's always something new, but it is always there. This does not leave me alone for a minute. I live in constant fear, tired of feeling guilty before his daughter.
I'm not talking about the disease, the total absence of men. If someone tries to get closer, the voice said that I do not need. If the past is a wreck, I hear the laughter and the words: "This is your destiny".