Types of interview
Interview method used by professionals for a long time, and during that time, science, studying the most important moments in this area has several classifications of the interview. As in personnel work, in fact in journalism there is a certain system in order to know, what do you work and how to properly build communication, in agreement with the rules that dictate the conditions of the interview. There are several points of view concerning the classification of the interview. Types of interviews in journalism can be viewed on different grounds.
In addition to the information objective or purpose to give a portrait of the interviewee, there are a number of options for these purposes that do not fit only to these two. And over time, this series is extended, because the population needs for information is steadily increasing. On the subject of argument and say nothing: but politics, crime and accidents have a huge number of other topics. Also, if you come from my experience, is not critical and social situation of a person from whom you came to interview.
Do you need information, and who get it - know this - your professional duty. Yes, we must agree that it's easier and easier to find the press-secretary of the organization, rather than catch its president, who in 99 percent of the cases do not accept you immediately, but through his secretary designate a specific day for an interview. But to decide to do, say, an article or do not, relying only on the position of a potential interviewee, it is absolutely wrong. The rest of this classification all have a place to be. And the Russian authors of the works on this topic emphasizes the other things to consider when classifying an interview. They identify the following types of interviews :
1. Interview protocol. His goal - to provide an official explanation on domestic and foreign policy.
2. Informational interview. Goal - obtaining information from a competent person on topical issues. Replies his interlocutor are not official statements.
3. Interview-portrait. Purpose - disclosure of personal contact.
4. Interview - discussion. Purpose - identify different viewpoints and possibly different ways of solving problems.
5. Interview - questionnaire. Objective - to obtain the views of various people on the same subject.
√ Species interview on the degree of standardization:
1. Strictly standardized. Pre-prepared questions, which strictly adheres to the journalist, without giving any of their statements, nor on the order of performances. In this case, questions may be directed to the other party in advance, so that he could prepare for the meeting. This is usually done by fax or e-mail.
2. Polustandartizovannoe. Also pre-prepared list of questions. However, during an interview with a journalist can rephrase the question, rearrange them, to ask additional questions, to adapt to the personality of the interviewee, that is to go into the sphere of his interests. In other words, here you have more room for imagination and possibilities to build a conversation in a more acceptable to you and your companion form.
3. Nonstandard (it is the same - free). It does not include any pre-compiled list of hard questions, no strict order of topics. The journalist simply outlines what information he needs, is trying to implement the plan. This type of interview provides an initiative of journalists, gives max. Opportunities for unplanned information, develop suddenly discovered topics and issues. However, I want to note that this way of interviewing more suited experienced journalists, because for those who just started working in the media, should be as clear as possible impromptu planning for them - not the best option. It also happens that the journalist is going to meet, runs in my head a list of questions devised by being totally and absolutely sure that all will remember at the right time. So it seems only the beginning, not to be trusted one hundred percent of his memory.
4. Mixed interview. Begin the interview first or second kind, it turns into a free, due to unforeseen situations: lack of evidence to support the hypothesis of a journalist.
For the interview, considered from the viewpoint of the relationship, by the interviewee, it is important to establish the reason for which the source behaves one way or another, the basis on which had the positive, indifferent or negative attitude towards the interview. Interviewer's ability to manifest in the fact whether he is able to reduce incentives affecting the success of the interview, and enhance favorable. But at the same time, in an interview with a talkative companion is sometimes difficult not to talk with him, and keep within the topics that interest you. This is also one of the most important problem areas in the technique of the interview.
A man may know very much, and if he is sociable, and you are sufficiently able to cope with the coordination of the situation could easily "get away" from the correct line you talk to one side. In this situation, you should be able to return the conversation into the channel topic, otherwise the interview drags on and becomes a waste of your time. Interviews in journalism can be used to get any information - both factual (up to reference) and the subjective facts of human consciousness - opinions. Solving the problem of choosing a method, you should think about what information is needed. How they can get, whether in this case, interview the most rapid and most importantly, reliable way of receiving them.