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Understand the causes of quarrel and your halfway to victory

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Understand the causes of quarrel - and you're halfway to victory

Differences in the relationship are all just causes of the conflicts are different. Realizing because of what you quarrel, you will be able in future to bypass the unpleasant topic and not make mistakes that lead to conflict. Reasons for conflict situations, as you've noticed a lot. But of all the reasons you can identify one single, which is the main among others, and leads to discord in the loving couple: a persistent aversion to conduct a loved one.

It is not easy to keep emotions under control when you have erupted resentment or irritation. Throw out your negative emotions, to express all that pent up, of course, is easier. But this gives no guarantee that the surge of discontent could lead to the positive results to which you aspire. Can not even hope that your loved everything at once understands and instantly change their habits and behavior.

You can achieve this goal, if you act more cunningly. If you learn to keep your emotions under control, it is first of all, saves you from having to needlessly stress to himself and his friend, and, secondly, you're more likely you will achieve the desired results. One must also look to what exactly the situation give rise to misunderstandings between you. If this is trifling quarrels over any nonsense, we should stop and think: Are you prepared to ensure that your relationship is gradually destroyed, and (most annoying!) Without some substantial reason. Understand the causes of quarrel - and you're halfway to victory!
You, of course, come to the conclusion that if your relationship will have an end and you'll have to someday give up, let the reason for this will not color sofa upholstery or the length of your dress, but something really serious. Try to control your negative emotions and you feel that your personal life began to slowly improve. Conflicts have no place in your relationship, and no doubt your husband will appreciate the world, which finally arrived in your home. After all those minor little things that we fill our lives and because of which we take offense at each other and fight, not only affect us but also to all our surroundings, and of course our relationship.

Do not worry that you have with your partner is a disagreement over trivial matters, because it does not mean that your feelings faded. The matter of habit. Need to stop and take a fresh look at each other, to try to find positive features, but they certainly are many. Try to see those character traits that annoy you, because everything is not as difficult as it may seem at first. Nevertheless be taken into account the fact that the misunderstandings and mutual resentment can destroy your alliance at precisely the moment when you least want it.

Of course, we will not tolerate and encourage all to forgive, if your spouse is a real despot who turns your life together into a nightmare. With such a man should leave without any regret. And if in your relationship simply there has been a crack, but you want to keep love and each other, such a situation, without a doubt should be resolved, and with a positive result for you. You must make all his strength to your relationships bring you joy. If you have something not happy in your relationship, you should immediately tell this to his wife. Of course, you can enjoy a truly angelic patience, but no one will appreciate, but the situation just gets out of your control, and then make changes will have much more complicated.
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