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Undue risk

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Undue risk

Sometimes in life situations where undue risk is not so much a noble cause, how much more foolish. Here are a few illustrative examples of when to not hesitate to choose peace and security.

1. You're too early or too late to come home on a dark deserted street. Do not make out a GI Jane. If your friends are men offer to conduct you to the apartment, never denied. Do not be afraid to appear weak and timid. A woman is only beautiful, unlike the bruises on her face. So do not be shy to ask herself men for help. If you go by taxi, ask to drive you to the very entrance. You can even ask the taxi driver to wait until you enter the staircase. Personally, I always ask, and no taxi driver to me as early as this did not refuse.

2. I've been in quite a different opinion. I considered myself a feminist and did not forgive himself no sign of weakness. For me it was a matter of honor to get home on their own. However, after I was attacked in his own doorway and robbed, I gave up those tedious prejudices, and now I am always willing to spend a lot of me or a ride home.

3. Do not be afraid to seem stupid, hysterical, a coward or grubiyankoy. If you follow you into the elevator comes to a suspicious type, do not be shy come and go as follows. If someone comes after you, do not be shy, just skip ahead a man. No need to always be polite and answer all the provocative question: what time is there to smoke, how to get to the subway, etc. It's one thing if you're asked about it in broad daylight, and quite another if you stick to the night.
4. If you stick to, or, more simply, sexually harassed, do not hesitate to call for help. Do not bring the situation to a critical moment. Better reinsurance. For example, my girlfriend at the drunken molestation passerby: "Lapulya, come here, that under your skirt?" Took out a gas pistol and yelled that there is urine: "Do not come, freak, my nerves no good, only turf, shoot the head off! "The drunk looked at her as an idiot and dumped. But agree that it is better to expose yourself an idiot, than to become a victim. If the appearance of a suspicious person you felt frightened, you can immediately, without waiting for any action on his part, yelling at the top of his voice: "Help!" Or "Fire!". At last people respond particularly quickly.

Phantom Menace

Unfortunately, the threat can often come not only from strangers but from friends, familiar to us humans. How to behave in these situations and how to withdraw from them without any risk to their physical and mental health? Yes, yes, sadly, it happens sometimes. Not all of our friends we know really, but because of their inappropriate behavior can become for us a complete surprise. Who is to blame and what to do? To begin with will determine the culprits. Very often you can hear is not quite a fair statement: "Women are to blame." Of course, this is not true or not true. After all, if a girl got into a situation that threatens her mental or physical health, it's probably not her fault, and her trouble. The first culprit of this type of accident - it's alcohol. You must have noticed that in all these stories is necessarily present a vysokogradusny props. And because safety rules are as follows:

1. Try to avoid large unfamiliar companies, particularly if there is a lot more men. Of course, if your old friends, nothing to fear. Or if you hang out on neutral territory, such as a restaurant or club. The risk arises if you walk in someone's apartment, if not outside the city in the country.

2. Control the flow of liquor. If you see that all the company has already turned blue from drinking and became completely insane, better make feet. If you actively pour liquor stands guard. Unfortunately, many men still believe that the best way to seduce a girl - is its water.

3. Try not to provoke anyone to their excessive flirting and reckless antics like dancing on the table.

4. Do not accept invitations to "retire" with someone.

5. If you still somehow you turned out to be alone with a man who began to actively solicit you, order him to remove from your hands. But your words must sound hard, without a shadow of coquetry. If the words and even physical attempts to fight back does not help and the man thinks it's you it so special "plant" their resistance, try to lie like a log, with an indifferent face and say something like: "Do what you want, I do not care . Usually it is very effective discourages men all desire to continue. But if not discourage, he's totally inadequate, and you'd better not delay calling for help.
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