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Unduly risky tactic in love

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Unduly risky tactic in love

What is not worth going for the sake of improving your relationship, that is unnecessary risks? Let's look at the most fraught with ways to establish harmony and understanding and with all his might try to avoid them. Women are by nature very creative. It's great when it comes to experiments in the kitchen or bedroom. But when it comes to experiments in a relationship with a partner, not all female creative ideas are successful! Let's consider the most dangerous, controversial and unduly risky tactic in love!

1. If something in a relationship is not in your scenario, you simply collect your things and go live with your parents for an indefinite period (or rather, as long as the favorite does not crawl to you on your knees with a white flag, agree to any of your conditions ). It would seem that what's wrong with this tactic? Most importantly, it works, right? And here and there! It's a direct manipulation, that is getting unilateral advantage at the expense of another person. Pair, which is constantly a war of nerves and psychological violence, hardly ever is able to become a harmonious and completely happy. Rather than build intimacy and understanding, you put pressure on their partner. But this can not continue indefinitely. Once, even the most obedient henpecked rebel against the endless pressure and does not take you from your parents.

2. When something goes wrong, you refuse loved sex. This method is similar to the first. Although he is even more flawed. No, of course, if you just do not want to quarrel, and sex - is one thing. But when the rejection of intimacy as you would punish a man for his "bad behavior" - this is not completely healthy approach. So you are using sex not as a means of pleasure and achievement of intimacy, but as a carrot and stick. Consult with a specialist.
3. In the name of your love and your relationship you are willing to sacrifice everything: favorite work, friends, relationships with relatives. Behind him to the end of the world. This position, of course, very romantic, but at the same time is too risky. It is not necessary to gamble everything for love. To get started, try to understand what kind of love is this for which you have to lose everything? And why do you need it?

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