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Universal principle Show Dao

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Universal principle Show Dao

The idea to introduce its world model programs tailored unusual for you or weakly expressed your life values, may seem tempting, but then gets very natural question of what criteria should guide the selection of those qualities that you would like to to be part of his personality. Writing in this issue specific to generic advice that is suitable for all people, of course, is simply impossible. The followers of Shaw-Tao accustomed to solving a similar problem, based on the universal principle of the Tao Shaw and intuitive awareness of the middle path.

Awareness of the middle path, in particular, is manifested in the assumption that any quality, according to a new value of life, can be useful if it is in a weak intensity, far enough away from the limit values. So a reasonable frugality - close to the middle display value of life, which is in its limit value refers to the pathological greed, but a prudent generosity - it is a normal manifestation of the quality, extremes of which is the reckless extravagance. In the history of the three captains, we see that the program maintain her honor appear in such intensity, that two friends, ashamed of his mistake, prefer to cut my throat instead simply apologize and give yourself a decent owed him a melon (that would be the action of the median way).

Universal principle Show Dao - a theme for meditation, awareness, and his deep understanding develops intuition, required for a permanent sense of middle path in their actions and decisions. Formulation of universal principles:
The correct course of action is determined by the intuitive knowledge that in this situation wants to make a person with knowledge about how the easiest and safest way to accomplish what he wants done, and an automatic ban on the action, which may entail danger to his life and welfare, if the ban on such actions do not represent a bigger threat than the actions themselves.

The key point in this definition are the words "an intuitive understanding that in this situation wants to make a man." Try to think about the following question: "Do you know exactly what you want?" The man is prone to an automatic reaction of the polar thinking, immediately respond with absolute conviction: "Of course I know what I want." Unfortunately, such confidence is not always justified. Life in modern society, full of cliches and conventions, an excellent man taught to suppress their natural needs, moreover, many of these needs are considered sinful or evil. Implemented the model of the world program of repression, people have lost touch with his inner world, lost his intuition right thing, replacing it with stereotyped responses, recorded in his model of the world.

An ancient proverb quiet about secret desires just illustrates the inability of a man fully aware of what he really wants.

Decided once the heck out of the blue cave to be a saint and glorified by good works. Put on the most beautiful clothes and sent out to all parts of the Middle Kingdom of their relatives and friends with the news that he undertakes to perform the most intimate human desires.

Coming soon to a cave where he lived hell, pulled a string of people eager to receive what was promised.

First appeared before the devil poor peasant. Just wanted to appeal to the foul with its request, as the devil, and says:

- Go home. Your wish is granted.

Farmer returned home and began to search the bags of gold and silver, when he sees - goes home to his neighbor, and on his shoulder instead of his own - wild boar's head, eyes rolled so fangs clicks. Horrified farmer:

- Can I have this desire?

After the peasant went to hell with the old woman, carrying on the back of a man with withered legs. Put it at the feet of the bar and says:

- Fulfilling a wish of my son. Until the end of life will thank you.

Looked the devil in man, and have that and hands otsohli. Crying, wailing old woman:

- What did you do, damned!

The devil and said:

- What do I do if a child wanted to have his hands otsohli, because then you can not force him to weave a box and feed it'll be out of their hands.

Do nothing. Shouldered his mother's son on his shoulders and set off a run of the cave until the son was still something not wanted.

Did not become a holy hell. An evil fame has gone, but in this he is guilty. Look Who-who, and features should be aware that the most secret desires are not always welcome.

In this case, we see that the innermost desire of man, which otsohli hand, represents a danger to his life and well-being and, according to the universal principle, it should not be granted. This desire is a hypertrophic, painful form of the deformation of natural needs in the absence of undue stress. Here we are faced with a very important topic - the deformed and hypertrophied needs to distort the model of the human world, depriving it of harmony.
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